The traditional tribal clothing of Kenya

Many Kenyans these days wear Western-style clothing, and Arab-style garments are also worn by some among the 11 percent who are Muslim. But with some tribal groups, traditional dress is still more common. Among the Maasai, for example, women still often don colorful wraps called kanga, set off by bead necklaces, and men are known for wearing red-checked, blanket-like shuka (red being considered the color of strength). Also known for their distinctive clothing, headdresses and accessories are the Turkana people of the north and the Samburu (closely related to the Maasai).Many of these, too, may be purchased in regional markets for visitors interested in accessorizing their own apparel with a Kenyan tribal touch.

Read more in Tripatini contributor Dan Kariuki´s post A Look at the Traditional Arts and Crafts of Kenya.


Tambako The Jaguar


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