One of Africa's great safari destinations, home to the reknowned Masai, and a nifty coast and cool capital Nairobi to visit, as well!

Cover photo: Danijel Mihaijlovic

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A look at Kenya´s traditional arts and crafts

  For many, the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to Kenya is wildlife and safaris. But visitors should also keep in mind this country´s rich artistic and cultural heritage - thanks to its more than 70 ethnic groups such as the Kikuyu, Kamba, Luhya, Maasai, and Kalenjin  - both to witness (such as tribal dances) and to buy as mementos of their trip here (esecially masks, figurines, and other forms of sculpture). This beautiful country keeps the spirit of its ancestors alive…

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Kenya in ´6 Awesome African Vacation Destinations for Families´

  Unsplash Some of Africa's best beaches are also on the menu on Kenya's Indian Ocean coast, including Diani, Shanzu, and Watamu, - best from mid-March through May - and the coast is also home to fascinating historica towns and cities including Lamu, Malindi, and Mombasa. Inland, safari and adventure highlights including gaping at millions of pink flamingos at the Great Rift Valley's Lake Nakaru; cycling with free-ranging zebras and giraffes in Hell’s Gate National Park; communing with…

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A guide to climbing majestic Mount Kenya

  Håkon Dahlmo     Kenya's highest mountain (and Africa’s second highest mountain after neighbouring Tanzania's Mount Kilimanjaro) located within an eponymous national park around the centre of the country, this extinct volcano is estimated to be 2.5 million years old. Time has taken its toll on the former, reducing the peak from around 6,500 meters originally to 5,199 today as well as eroding the crater. Its higher slopes permanently covered in snow, surrounded by 715 square kilometers…

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7 Top Spots to Visit on the Coast of Kenya

  Łukasz Ciesielski Many visitors to Kenya focus on wildlife safaris and areas like the Masai Mara - quite understandable and most definitely worthy! But it's also worth noting that this country's Indian Ocean shore - dubbed the Swahili Coast - is also rich with places to see, from cultural/historic to ecotourism to beaches. Here are seven not to miss:read post    

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1 Reply · Reply by María José Jan 31

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  • As a horse lover and someone who´s always wanted to go on safari, I was intrigued by National Geographic highlighting horse safaris in Kenya as one of its coolest travel adventures for 2024:
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  • Recently the upscale Robb Report took a look at some outstanding safari camps in the Masai Mara:
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  • Here´s something a little different from the usual safari fare - a look at Nairobi nightlife!
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  • Britain's Daily Mail reports that recent terrorist attacks have taken a huge toll on the Kenyan tourism sector:
  • Wow, it was just reported that tourism revenues in 2022 surged by 83%!! Sure looks like they're back with a vengeance, finally.
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  • Wow, looks like the luxury JW Marriott brand will open a safari lodge in the Masai Mara in '23.
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  • Kenya's recently unveiled five-year plan for tourism development aims to diversify beyond safaris and beaches:
    Kenya launches five-year tourism strategy
    Kenya has a new strategy to diversify away from dependence on safari and beach tourism promoting itself as a multi-product destination
  • Hello guys,

    Great deals this low season at our private camp in Masai Mara, Ololaimutia gate. 3.5k pps on FB for tour operators for more information email us

    3 Days Masai Mara joining group at 24k pps nett email we have daily departures

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