Many are the countries that offer their very own fascinating & tasty distillations -- Scottish single malts, Mexico's tequila, Kentucky bourbon, habushu in Japan -- you name it. An intoxicating way of exploring the world! And of course most countries also have their own beers - often very distinctive indeed. We raise a glass to all of it here!
What is a single-malt whisky? Plus some prime examples
Dylan de Jonge Few spirits have captured the hearts and palates of spirits enthusiasts quite like whisky, a sophisticated elixir born from the perfect blend of time-honored tradition, premium ingredients, and meticulous craftsmanship. Distilled in Scotland and Ireland since at least the 15th century, single malt is now also produced in more than two dozen other countries, even including the likes of Brazil, Lebanon, Pakistan, South Africa, and Taiwan. Whisky is also widely available…
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A Mexican-based cocktail on an Irish-based holiday...only at The World on Wheels. It's a light tequila old fashioned, today on the Cocktail Hour:
IFWTWA invites non-members to attend its 2013 Hawaii conference - see
Today on the Cocktail Hour at The World on Wheels, how about a little Lenten wine tasting?
While we'll be back to Ensenada tomorrow, enjoy an Amarita today at The World on's The Cocktail Hour:
To go with this week's brand new Ensenada reports at The World on Wheels, we're running our Margarta Madness and Southern California's Top Three Margarita videos as a double-feature on today's Cocktail Hour. On the rocks with salt?
On today's Cocktail Hour at The World on Wheels...Paso Robles, California is justifiably famous for wine but we're ignoring that today. With one of the country's premiere microbreweries here, it's also a hotbed of brewing. It's the Paso Robles Beer Tour:
Let's spend the week in Paso Robles, California with The World on Wheels. We'll start with today's Cocktail Hour, Wine Tasting in Paso Robles:
On this week's Cocktail Hour at The World on Wheels, the saga of the homebrewed ale continues. Our beer has been fermented and now it's time for bottling. Come on over to see the video, it's Strange Brew, Part 2:
If it's Sunday, it must be time for another Cocktail Hour on The World on Wheels. A cool, copper colored drink with tequila as its base. This is another of my custom creations and since it uses a Mexican spirit I named it after the big canyon in Mexico that civilization has hardly touched, Copper Canyon:
What's going wrong with wine tourism today? We explore that theme, and more, at The World on Wheels today in our new report: