The Hashemite Kingdom holds some of the great mysteries of the Holy Land, most notably the ancient Nabatean city of Petra, one of those proverbial places to see before you die.


Cover photo: Pieter van Eeckeren

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More About Petra, Jordan´s Mysterious Jewel

  Ahmad Qaisieh In southern Jordan, just under three hours from capital Amman, one of the most recognisable ancient sites in the MIddle East - and indeed, the world - was rediscovered by archaeologists in 1812. But it dates back to at least the 2nd century BCE and probably earlier, settled by an ancient Bedouin Arab tribe called the Nabataeans, who spoke Aramaic rather than Arabic and grew into a wealthy, powerful kingdom which at its height - and until it was absorbed by the Roman Empire in…

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Jordan in ¨5 Fabulous, Once-In-A-Lifetime Horseback-Riding Holidays on 4 Continents´

  ​How we experience destinations - and with whom we travel with - are also questions we are all keen to explore in the post pandemic era. A bucket-list country, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, made CNN's 2022 list of dream destinations, and our new horseback adventure (above and top), which starts and finishes in capital Amman, includes a visit the mysterious, spectacular Rose City of Petra during six days of exhilarating riding through Wadi Rum, the "Valley of the Moon." ​read post    

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As the Dead Sea shrinks, Jordan fights to win back tourists The mineral-rich, super salty waters of the Dead Sea - unusually warm and incredibly buoyant - have attracted visitors since antiquity, and in recent years have become one of the Hashemite Kingdom's top tourism draws. But largely due to diversion and damming, lately the sea's water level has been dropping by one meter per year, contibuting to a drop in national tourism revenue of 76 percent between 2019 and 2020. But rather than address the problems of the Dead Sea, it looks…

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Beyond Petra: 5 dramatic desert treasures of Jordan

 Gene Brown Jordan is home to some the most fascinating excursions from Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. Top of the list for many, of course, is Petra, the jawdropping, 2nd-century city hewn out of living rock, and nearby Wadi Rum, a mix of dramatic natural scenery and more ancient historic sites. But many visitors tend to overlook several sites in the kingdom which are just as important and nearly as dramatic as Petra, best done in a two- or three-day itinerary out of capital Amman (a short flight from…

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  • Interesting to learn that Jordan has become popular with celebrities in recent times:
    How Jordan became a travel favourite among celebrities, from Oprah Winfrey to Salma Hayek
    Several A-list stars have ticked the kingdom off their bucket lists in recent years, visiting its destinations such as Petra and the Dead Sea
  • Why Aqaba made Time magazine´s 2023 list of 50 most exciting places to explore:
    Aqaba, Jordan: World's Greatest Places 2023
    Find out why Aqaba, Jordan is one of the World's Greatest Places of 2023
  • Jordan and of course particularly Petra are on my bucket list for 2023 - and after reading this piece in,au, I''ll be sure to visit Petra by night as well as in the daytime:
  • The King's Road (in Arabic, Darb ar-Raseef, meaning "paved road"), considered one of the world's oldest in continuous use, runs south from Syria along the Jordan River, passing through Roman ruins, Byzantine mosaics, and Crusader castles, ending at the country's single biggest draw, Petra. So as this BBC Travel piece shows, it's a great way to hit Jordan's greatest hits!
    The King's Highway: The road that reveals Jordan's history
    It's mentioned in the Bible, has been used by a succession of empires and links some of Jordan's most important historical sites
  • Expedia does its usual bang-up job of summarizing the allures of Jordan in this video:
  • As-Salt, an ancient, relatively small city northwest of Jordan's capital Amman, where minarets and church towers share the skyline, was added by UNESCO in 2021, Interestingly, it was not so much for those mosques and churches per se, nor its unique architectural style, Ottoman mansions, Roman tombs, Ayyubid citadel, and Islamic shrines, but rather as a "place of tolerance and urban hospitality" - qualities more sorely needed in today's world than ever before. BBC Travel published an article about As-Salt just over a month ago - a fascinating read, indeed:
    As-Salt: The Middle East's city of tolerance and generosity
    This small Jordanian city where minarets and church towers share the skyline was deemed a "place of tolerance and urban hospitality" by Unesco.
  • Is there a place online, where I can find a reliable car+driver to take one from the border crossing at Eilat to Petra? I am contemplating going into Jordan from Eilat. The other option is to cross from King Hussain Bridge. But I understand there is no visa on arrival on that bridge ? Also what are the approximate costs for a taxi ?


  • Beyond Petra - now in our blog, a good overview of Jordan's allures.

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