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Why Mexico City is one of ´5 of Latin America´s Top New Year´s Eve Destinations´

pexels My hometown offers a great mix of modern celebrations and cultural traditions, and on NYE the main celebration happens in downtown´s huge  Zócalo Square, which comes alive with concerts, fireworks, food stands, and of course the countdown to midnight. But there´s also plenty of stylish partying elsewhere, in fun neighborhoods like Condesa, Roma, and Polanco. And by the way, the big local tradition here is eating 12 grapes at midnight, (and take it from me, it´s harder than it sounds!).…

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Why Xochimilco is one of ´10 of the Most Haunted Places to Visit Around the World´

 Troels Myrup One of the manmade islets of Xochimilco, a UNESCO World Heritage group of pre-Columbian canals set up for agriculture, in the 1940s a local man who was unable to save a girl from drowning, and subsequently claimed he would see shadows and hear cries on the island from a soul in torment. In the belief that it would ward them off, he began collectingcastaway dolls - especially those that were old, deformed, or multilated - and festooning them around the island. These days La Isla…

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Nifty (and Gnarly) Puerto Escondido

  Esconced on the lower Pacific ¨Emerald Coast¨ in the state of Oaxaca, the town of Puerto Escondido (which means ¨hidden port¨) was up until the 1960s barely a pinprick on the map, with dirt streets and just a handful of residents mostly devoted to fishing. Then in 1960 a coastal road reached the village, making it accessible to the outside world, and a village hall was built. Most consequentially for tourism, it was during that decade that surfers (pioneered by a group of Venezuelans,…

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