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One of the manmade islets of Xochimilco, a UNESCO World Heritage group of pre-Columbian canals set up for agriculture, in the 1940s a local man who was unable to save a girl from drowning, and subsequently claimed he would see shadows and hear cries on the island from a soul in torment. In the belief that it would ward them off, he began collectingcastaway dolls - especially those that were old, deformed, or multilated - and festooning them around the island. These days La Isla de las Muñecas (Island of the Dolls) certainly makes for a spooky sight for visitors, and is arguably a highlight of any Xochimilco cruise - and many have reported that even so, voices can still be heard to this day, laughing, crying, and moaning. If you want to be creeped out, add Xochimilco to your Mexico City bucket list - which apart from the Isle of Dolls is a delightful experience, with flower-festooned boats plying the canals.


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