Apart from news and views on media covering tourism, travel, and hospitality, writers, editors, photogs, and bloggers share tips, leads, ideas, news, gripes. PR reps/journos ISO press releases/trips, see also "PR/Marketing." Opinions stated are not necessarily those of Tripatini.
A tribute to my friend, the late travel media icon Arthur Frommer
The legendary U.S. travel journalist and entrepreneur Arthur Frommer passed away November 18 at the age of 95. Born in Virginia and with an early boyhood in a small town in Missouri, Arthur was a lawyer who became a pioneering and great travel journalist, and who will be remembered as having helped open the joys of travel to the masses. While serving in the U.S. Army in Europe in the 1950s, he got the travel bug, came out with a travel guide for servicemen, and followed up in 1957 with…
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Evelyn, you're kind. Some days I can barely open a can. But then I'm left-handed - thank gawd for the Black & Decker automated can opener!
I just downloaded the Firefox and discovered I already had an older version of it on my MacBook Pro! A friend's husband who is a professional lobster fisherman accuses me of using the computer as a glorified typewriter. That works for me. Another friend who gave up being a writer to become a doctor once told me his new computer could do everything but make coffee and he wasn't so sure it couldn't do that.
I am looking at buying a smaller MacBook Pro for travel. I looked at the Mac Air but my Mac dealer shook his head at it. I have considered the iPAD, but a webmaster I know in the UK isn't that keen on it. Pretty, but not a lot of function was his verdict, but I wasn't sure if he was speaking for his work or mine.
When I travel I really do like to simply sit in a cafe for an hour each day and scribble notes in my moleskin. I seem to make different observations with pen and paper than fingers on keys. And with paper I worry less that someone will steal it or that it will get damaged or trying to not fry it on a strange electrical system. See, l-u-d-d-i-t-e.
Allan -- The words Luddite and Mac are an oxymoron. If you are a Mac user, you are not a Luddite. Does not compute (pun intended).
I use both Safari and Firefox on my Macs (plural -- iMac for office, MacBook for travel). Firefox is much better for bookmarking and remembering log-in info. You'll love it. I use Safari less and less these days (please don't tell them).
Ed -- Didn't know about the Screengrabber add-on. Brilliant! Sounds easier than Mac's own built-in system.