Apart from news and views on media covering tourism, travel, and hospitality, writers, editors, photogs, and bloggers share tips, leads, ideas, news, gripes. PR reps/journos ISO press releases/trips, see also "PR/Marketing." Opinions stated are not necessarily those of Tripatini.

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A tribute to my friend, the late travel media icon Arthur Frommer

    The legendary U.S. travel journalist and entrepreneur Arthur Frommer passed away November 18 at the age of 95. Born in Virginia and with an early boyhood in a small town in Missouri, Arthur was a lawyer who became a pioneering and great travel journalist, and who will be remembered as having helped open the joys of travel to the masses. While serving in the U.S. Army in Europe in the 1950s, he got the travel bug, came out with a travel guide for servicemen, and followed up in 1957 with…

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1 Reply · Reply by José Balido Nov 24, 2024

Free access to Encyclopaedia Britannica for journalists

My editor at Encyclopaedia Britannica has asked me to extend this offer to all my journalist colleagues. You are invited to enjoy free access to all its factchecked resources, and if you do link to a Britannica story in your articles, none of the content linked to will be paywalled. Your readers in turn will have full and free access to Britannica's content. To get your free, personal subscription, just go to britannica.com/journalists and enter the code: EXPERT-CONTENT.

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1 Reply · Reply by Michael Raviv Jul 18, 2024

What do you wear to Seven Magic Mountains?

Seven Magic Mountains is an art installation located in the Nevada desert, and the weather can be quite hot and dry. Therefore, it is recommended to wear comfortable and breathable clothing, such as shorts, t-shirts, and sandals or sneakers. You may also want to bring a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun. It's also a good idea to bring a bottle of water to stay hydrated. While there is no strict dress code, it's important to dress appropriately for the weather and…

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1 Reply · Reply by Surendra Singh Aug 7, 2023

What is global entry?

Global Entry is a program that allows pre-approved travelers to expedite the process of entering the United States.To apply for Global Entry, you must be a citizen or national of the United States, Mexico, or Canada and have a valid passport. You can also be a lawful permanent resident of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico.Once you have applied for Global Entry and been approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to complete your interview appointment at any U.S. Customs and Border…

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  • On first blush Frommer's idea is kind and compassionate. But it's not practical.

    There is so much money rolling into Haiti right now it's creates its own problem. Everyone is talking about sustainability. Help should also be sustainable. The cruise lines should offer passengers an opportunity to go ashore and help. I don't mean help digging out collapsed buildings. Leave that to the pros.

    I think the cruise lines should a) be bringing suppliers ashore for local residents. b) they could organize an on-going relief project to help a nearby village(s). That means clearing land for a new medical centre and school, providing a fresh water source, school supplies, any maybe some sort of Habitant for Humanity type projects to help rebuild modest homes/shelter for people. and C) then start to work with local people to show them how to develop working relationships with the cruise lines so they can earn their own money either working for the company or providing tours or selling local (as opposed to Chinese-made) crafts.

    Years ago when the famine was sweeping Ethiopia, people in my part of the world adopted villages. They built schools and dug wells. Our NGO people wanted to install these great electric pumps that cost thousands of dollars. The village elders said no. Anything valuable would be stolen or break down. Instead we provided dirt cheap little pumps made with recycled bike tires that cost less than $3. People had to pump, but in the underdeveloped world there is no shortage of labour or time, so it worked.

    Feel good initiatives can do more harm in the long-term. If we spent a little thought we could actually change a century of neglect and do good and not just help people now, but elevate future generations so that Haitian parents don't have to sell their children into slavery.
  • Re Haiti and cruise ships a couple of things:

    1. An AP story today about the controversy of ships visiting Labadee:

    Without This, We Don't Eat

    2. Surely by now you've heard of Arthur Frommer's controversial call to action this past weekend:

    Shouldn't the Federal Government Charter Several Large Cruise Ships...

  • Do you mean by boat?
  • We have a very timely and provocative topic going in the Cruising group which I think you may wish to weigh in on. Just click here to put in your two cents' worth.
  • Yes i agree - it's a bit rude having a conversation about media only stuff and a big PR blurb is dropped into the mix - it put me off. We all need to promote but the purpose of this site and media only section should be to feel welcome to comment and learn from other journos not to be used as a target from PR people - who actually want something for free!
  • Susan I so agree with your "do not post" comment. Let's keep this discussion for true professionals.
  • Thank you, Susan, for your comment. I was not talking about obvious reasons for non-delivery described by you, but about professional misconduct that can be displayed by experienced writers as well as inexperienced ones. I met experienced writers from very reputable pubs on trips and they told me they were not even considering a story, but were there for a ride, since their mag receives bundles of invites from all over. Nice. My point was ridiculing one subgroup ("inexperienced writers are a hoot!") within a professional group is... not professional? I just tried to point out that it all depends on personality, not on years of experience.
  • Attention Adriane Berg:

    We are professional writers. We do not "donate" articles to for-profit entities.

    Desist posting your requests for free content on this site. Please.
  • Emma: As a journalist, I do NOT have an "obligation to write and publish a story" about a hosted trip! As has been noted ad nauseum, sometimes trips aren't "worth" a story (mostly because the hype doesn't match up with what's actually delivered) and sometimes publications change their minds about articles (or go out of business). There is an expectation, of course (otherwise I wouldn't waste my time) but there is absolutely NO obligation!
  • For you, Colin -- re Peruvian food: http://www.uncorneredmarket.com/2010/01/peruvian-food-more-than-jus...
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