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Free access to Encyclopaedia Britannica for journalists

My editor at Encyclopaedia Britannica has asked me to extend this offer to all my journalist colleagues. You are invited to enjoy free access to all its factchecked resources, and if you do link to a Britannica story in your articles, none of the content linked to will be paywalled. Your readers in turn will have full and free access to Britannica's content. To get your free, personal subscription, just go to britannica.com/journalists and enter the code: EXPERT-CONTENT.

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1 Reply · Reply by Michael Raviv Jul 18

What do you wear to Seven Magic Mountains?

Seven Magic Mountains is an art installation located in the Nevada desert, and the weather can be quite hot and dry. Therefore, it is recommended to wear comfortable and breathable clothing, such as shorts, t-shirts, and sandals or sneakers. You may also want to bring a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun. It's also a good idea to bring a bottle of water to stay hydrated. While there is no strict dress code, it's important to dress appropriately for the weather and…

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1 Reply · Reply by Surendra Singh Aug 7, 2023

What is global entry?

Global Entry is a program that allows pre-approved travelers to expedite the process of entering the United States.To apply for Global Entry, you must be a citizen or national of the United States, Mexico, or Canada and have a valid passport. You can also be a lawful permanent resident of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico.Once you have applied for Global Entry and been approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to complete your interview appointment at any U.S. Customs and Border…

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What is the most historical place in india?

The most historical place in India is the Taj Mahal. The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan commissioned the building of this beautiful mausoleum for his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died while giving birth to their 14th child. The Taj Mahal took 22 years to build and is considered one of the world's most iconic buildings.Other historical places include the Red Fort in Delhi and Qutub Minar in Delhi. These sites were built during the Mughal Empire and are known for their architectural beauty.

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  • I have toyed with going for digital recorders, but what I have looked at - with a transcriber - are around $1,000. Ever since libel chill of the early 1990s I have taped every interview and saved the tapes in case I someday need them in court. So I have three microcassette recorders.

    As for photos, I simply carry a second card for the camera. And believe me, since I went digital I am totally indiscriminate when it comes to shooting images. I spent 14 days in South Africa and shot six rolls of 36-image slides. In a couple of hours at the Vatican (first trip with the digital) I shot about 500 frames. If anyone ever needs to reconstruct the place, call me. I have the pictures.

    I find I'm becoming very fussy about writing. I have my office for doing it with my reference books and maps and antique oak writing table. That's where I write. I can't conceive of writing on the road. As I say, I'm becoming a stuffy old fart who thrives on a consistency in surroundings for my actual work.
  • What? You're supposed to take the camera away from your face?
  • Great tips, all. I'm savin' up for a cheap notebook, tho I am devoted to Mac for all things. A small PC is perfect for notes, Internet, checking e-mail, etc.
    I think Allan Lynch and I were separated at birth -- having no tight deadlines and not being a photographer, the idea of moleskin notebooks (so chic!) and pen is positively trendsetting! As is actually being in the place you're reporting from, without being tethered by technological tyranny. Am thinking of the Japanese tourists who never take their cameras away from their eyes, and, by such uber-documentation, never really experience where they are in time.
    All best, Mary Alice
  • Ah, I'm 100 percent Mac ... I don't think they have put out a $400 notebook, however. Their latest MacBook Pro is pretty slim, but also $1,200. I'll just keep doin' what I do, as it seems to be a good fit. Thanks for all the tips!
  • I have a ASUS Eee 1000 netbook, and it was around $400. It has a battery life (in performance saving mode) of about 9 1/2 hrs. Even in high performance mode it held up on a transatlantic flight. Although I didn't use it the entire time, it gave me a good 5-6 hrs.

    What you can't do on it? Watch movies (it doesn't have a DVD drive), or install any program that requires a disc. It has a proprietary Word/Excel-type program installed. Other than that, I haven't run into any walls about not being able to do everything that I do on larger notebook.

    You may not wish to move from Mac to PC, though. I though Mac was going to be introducing a netbook failrly soon (maybe the already have).
  • So Mary Jo, what notebook did you buy ... ? I'll check it out. What can't you do on it? My MacBook is such a part of me and traveling that I might go through withdrawal leaving her behind!
  • I download photos to my netbook while traveling, and am able to do photo editing as well. (I usually wait on that till I get home, though). Same goes for video and video editing.
  • Ed, what a great idea. Thank you, that would make a huge difference!
  • I still travel globally with my MacBook. No problems at customs/immigration. My stories include both my words and photos, so I need to download my pix .. I don't think you can do that with the notebooks, right? I have a great briefcase (photo here) that I use for my carry-on bag and keep it in there, along with all my reading material, etc. It's heavy, but a good work-out running through airports. I always lose weight after a big trip! I also travel with my Flip Video and Moleskine (red!).
  • I can't answer your question, Lise, but I can ask another one: Would connecting the Blackberry to one of those one-ounce, fold-up keyboards be of benefit?
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