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The top 10 of the world´s most expensive/luxurious airlines

  Daniel Gillaspia Luxury abounds in the arena of commercial aviation, luxury abounds, from comfortable, stylish cabins to gourmet dining to private accommodations, all complemented with superlative service. These airlines are the standouts which routinely appear on the annual surveys of the world´s best, and which make the journey itself a big part of the pleasure of travel. read post  

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How nervous flyers can increase their sense of control whilst flying

 FG TradeOne of the key causes of anxiety and stress for fearful flyers is their perceived lack of control. This in turn can make them avoid air travel – limiting their lives considerably – and if they do get on a plane, cause them suffering.While it’s true that as passengers we have no control over the flight itself (fortunately), this doesn’t mean that there’s nothing anxious flyers can do to feel that they do have some control over the situation. And here are five simple ways you can do…

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Airline pilots and their extremely rigorous training

 Rathke A few of you may have had the privilege of visiting the flight deck of a commercial airliner, and found yourself fascinated by the myriad levers, buttons, and other mechanisms surrounding the captain and co-pilot. After seeing that instrument panel, have you ever wondered what kind of training a pilot has? Of course, they must have a flight license, but how do you study for it? How long does it take? Are there other requirements along with flight training itself? Here's a quick…

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6 tips for finding cheap airline tickets

  Travelers who are passionate about wandering to new destinations often put a hold on their exploration owing to expenses. In order to fulfill all their travel wishes, and to save money for their next trips, they need to cut down flight expenses. If your someone who wants to save on travels, cutting down on flight booking cost is one of the ways to reduce your expenses. Flight tickets costs vary depending on the day of the week, time of the week, and holidays. Follow these simple tricks to…

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  • Hi Charlie, have you contacted Darren @ the Travel Rants blog about it? It may be up his street. (I'd welcome a guest post about it on mine too if you're interested)
  • Fellow tripatinis,
    Last week my group the Consumer Travel Alliance together with ASTA and the Business Travel Coalition launched a Mad as Hell about Hidden Fees petition. You can find it at I explain the effort on at
    This is the first time in over a decade that the DOT is changing a regulation regarding airline ticketing and what passengers should know. For consumers this is a perfect storm opportunity to mandate that airlines tell all travel agents and online travel agencies the full price of airline travel.
    Please pass along the word. If you would like any prepared ads for this effort, please contact me directly at
    Men and women are different
  • I agree with Ed, I've added it to by bookmarks as well.
  • Thanks Ed. stay tuned for more! :-) I have a feeling that this thread will be a useful source of further griping info too!
  • Loved your blog, Jools.

    Here, on this site, how to avoid carry-on baggage fees.
  • Sorry Sam, don't now about it.
    My flying rant is now up on the Flightster blog in case anyone is interested.
  • I think ANA is launching a discount airline that will offer Japan low-priced domestic and international routes, and JAL may be considering the same thing. Anyone know more about that?
    This is great if you're flying from Beijing or Seoul, but would you book seats on a discount airline on a long or overnight flight to Japan?
  • And speaking of tomorrow's campaign kick-off, Charlie, this just in from eTurboNews:

    "Airline fees, once merely irritating, have blossomed into a major source of airline profits and a growing headache for travelers.

    Passengers have grudgingly paid for checked baggage, ticket changes and onboard meals. But fees to board early, access a wireless Internet connection in-flight, or fly on standby have emerged recently. And... 'We've not even begun to touch the bottom of the barrel with airline service fees,' said Stuart Klaskin, a Miami-based airline consultant.

    'It's a successful formula for restoring airlines to profitability,' said George Hobica, founder of 'If they hadn't done it, we would have had fewer airlines....'

    Kate Hanni, founder of the airline passenger organization wants the DOT to issue a rule requiring airlines to publish on their Web sites a comprehensive fee guide that is accessible to consumers before they enter the personal information required to purchase a ticket.

    'At least then you'll be able to compare airlines,' she said....

    'Any fee that the consumer doesn't revolt over is going to stay, [Michael] Boyd [of the Boyd Group] said."

    But will consumers revolt?
  • Very interesting, thanks Charlie.
  • Guys, The Consumer Travel Alliance together with the Business Travel Coalition and the American Society of Travel Agents are kicking off a campaign tomorrow that will give Americans a chance to let the DOT know we are fed up with hidden airline fees. More coming on Tuesday morning.
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