Untouched stones of nature


The history of Madagascar began 160 million years ago, as the island “broke up” with the African continent. At that time mammals did not even exist (they appeared ca 100 million years later), that is why we miss the typical African fauna in Madagascar. With the remarkable exception of bats, which could fly from the continent, there is not a single Madagascar mammal species which we can find in any other place of the world. The fourth largest island in the world, Madagascar is one of the most bio-diverse countries on earth, home to thousands of species of plant and animal life of which about 80 percent cannot be found anywhere else on the planet. Even 65 percent of all bird species are endemic to Madagascar, which means that they can only be found there.

The huge and immense tropical forests of Madagascar are considered a true Eldorado by researchers and scientists worldwide. Even the large rainforests of South America cannot compete with the enormous biodiversity of Madagascar’s flora and fauna, which offer a  unique habitat for some survivals of the Dino time like the chameleons: With 40 different species, Madagascar counts on the highest chameleon biodiversity of the world. Dwarf chameleons, tomato frogs, giant rats and hedgehog-like tenrecs are other curious creatures inhabiting this exotic realm, while the country's isolation for centuries has developed remarkable tree species like swollen Baobab and the spiny forest.

Fantastic landscapes, the unique flora and fauna of Madagascar, together with the local hospitality make the island a holiday’s paradise. Madagascar fauna is unique and rich, many biological individuals you can't see anywhere else; multitude species of birds, lemurs, tenrecs, tortoises, chameleons. Baobab - is, in fact, a symbol of Madagascar. Baobabs occupy up to 60% of the island’s territory. Of the 8 species of baobab, known in the world, 1 can be found only here. The nature of Madagascar was developed in isolation from other parts of the world for millions of years. Now up to 80% of local animals and plants can not be found anywhere else: http://tours-tv.com/en/madagascar

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