How do you perform Umrah from Nottingham, UK?

How do you perform Umrah from Nottingham, UK?

Are you dreaming of performing Umrah from Nottingham, UK? Every Muslim wishes to execute this honourable task, but planning and execution require careful preparation.

You may face it a daunting process when planning the Umrah journey from abroad. But planning is just a stage when you confirm your reservation of Umrah packages from Nottingham. After the reservation and booking process, it’s time to prepare for the Umrah performance.

So, in this article, we will discuss the process for successfully undertaking Umrah when you depart from Nottingham, UK. Let’s get started and dive in!

Before proceeding, you must have all the essential requirements, such as flight, accommodation, transportation, meals, guided tour, etc., as these are the core services and facilities you will utilize during your Umrah trip. So, make sure to do that first.


Performing Umrah from Nottingham

If you think performing Umrah will require much time and preparation, you must be corrected. Depending on physical fitness, it’s a straightforward task that can be done in just a few hours, between 5 and 6 hours. Here are some preparation steps you must remember when undertaking Umrah.

Setting your Intention:

The intention is the first and mandatory step that pilgrims must take. The intention is just setting your Niyyah for performing a particular task, and that’s the definition according to Islam. To be more specific, Islam promotes every act of a Muslim based on Niyyah. So, your intention must be clear and to the point of the act that you will perform, which is Umrah. Niyyah can also be made by the pure and strong will of the heart instead of saying verbally.


Entering into Ihram Attire:

The prerequisite for Tawaf, Sa’ee, and Qasr is the Ihram attire. Pilgrims must have to wear it to perform all the steps of Umrah. Have you ever wondered why Ihram is necessary to undertake a pilgrimage?

It’s simply an attire with two parts, also known as a white dress, specifically for men. One is called Izar, and the second is known as Rida. Hence, both parts make a white dress called Ihram.

On the other hand, women can wear any attire according to Islamic traditions and regulations. However, women dress code for Umrah should be modest, simple, and straightforward, so an Abaya makes proper sense in this regard.


Performing Tawaf and Sa’ee:

Tawaf and Sa’ee are Umrah’s essential and core parts, and one must do acts. Obviously, these are the second and third parts of lesser pilgrimage. Tawaf is done around the Holy Kaaba seven times in an anticlockwise direction. Moreover, Sa’ee is performed between the hills of Safa and Marwah. This is again the ritual to perform for the seven times.


Qasr – the Last Ritual:

Qasr is performed at the end of the pilgrimage, and it is necessary to complete Umrah. Qasr is all about cutting and shaving the hair from the head. For male pilgrims, it’s known as Halq, which means to shave all the hair from the head. But for female pilgrims, it’s called Taqsir, which means to cut the head’s hair according to the fingertip.

Your Umrah has been completed, and you can remove the Ihram attire from your body.


Tips for Performing Umrah from Nottingham

  • Make sure to book your Umrah with a reputable travel agency or company. Scams and fraud are common, and no one wants to be a victim.
  • Ensure your physical health and fitness. Don’t delay getting vaccinated. Sometimes, health insurance also becomes mandatory.
  • Exchange your British currency into Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR), as you will need it while shopping or doing any other activity in Makkah and Madinah.
  • Departing from Nottingham for Umrah might be complex and lengthy for some Muslims. So, it’s best to be patient, flexible, and respectful of others.
  • You can use apps and digital platforms to communicate with others if you don’t understand a language, such as Arabic, the mother language of Saudi Arabia.

Hence, Umrah from Nottingham, UK, can become memorable and enjoyable if you take the essential steps mentioned above. But that doesn’t mean your trip experience will go smoothly and according to your expectations. Remember that anything can happen, so keep your mode positive and good when communicating with others.

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