Once Again Sandeep Marwah in Vajra World Records Book

New Delhi: ‘Vajra World Records’ has given its confirmation to Sandeep Marwah as World Record Holder by registering his achievements in the World Record Book.
Sandeep Marwah who has been in films, television and media has given 10 festivals to the nation including Global Film Festival, Global Festival of Journalism, Global Literary Festival, Global Fashion Week, International Festival of Cellphone Cinema, International Sufi Festival, ASMS Festival of Short Films, WeCare Festival of Films on Disability, Children’s Film Festival and AAFT Festival of Short Digital Films.
The most popular and the oldest out of all-AAFT Festival of Short Digital Films is the only festival in the World to touch 96th edition, the only festival which happens four times a year, the only festival where 2000 directors and 10,000 technicians have been given platform to showcase their debut film.
“We have done a lot in last so many years, now this has become my world record and has been registered in the books of Vajra World Record Book too,” said Sandeep Marwah sharing excitement with his team.
‘Vajra world records’ is the Indian equivalent to the Guinness Book of World Records with emphasis on unique achievements of Indians within the country and abroad. It’s a salute to all those Indians who want to do something different and be remembered for their distinctive deeds.

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