travel planning (4)

12404101066?profile=RESIZE_930xJUTTHANA JAIDEE

Imagine planning a vacation by telling your smartphone, "I want to take a four-day trip to Los Angeles in June" and having it spit out a perfect itinerary. That future might not quite be here yet – but with the power of AI and software like ChatGPT, (GPT being short for Generative Pre-trained Transformer), a big step in that direction has definitely been indeed taken.

Hassle-Free Planning

ChatGPT, the two-year-old marquis product of San Francisco-based OpenAI, can analyze and

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A well-crafted itinerary is the cure for untold travel troubles. The right amount of pre-trip planning can save money, keep you safe, and—this one's crucial—help you have the best time possible whether you're going on a three-week cross-continent sojourn or spending a long weekend at the beach. A solid itinerary is the root of a stress-free trip, to put it simply. Want to be a master planner? Here are 10 itinerary mistakes you probably make—and how to avoid them.

Don't Bother with an Itinerary in

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How We Make Travel Decisions

9008674099?profile=originalHow We Make Travel Decisions

At some point or other someone is always gazing into a crystal ball predicting the future of the travel industry

It's understandable given the tremendous impact, say, mobile has had in the travel space, or the  daily emergence of new sites that offer interesting new search processes.

There are sophisticated strategies designed to reach the consumer directly with ideas, deals, discounts, bargains and filtered reviews and content.

We've come a long way from just a

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Plan, Manage and Share your next trip!

TravelPlanr is an online tool that enables users to plan, map and manage all details of their trips including maps, itineraries and reservations.

Trips can be shared between users or published for anyone to see.

Create a map for each location on your trip, use TravelPlanr to search for Hotels, Restaurants or other Points of Interest and add them to your map.

Acess your TravelPlanr information from anywhere in the world and on your trip and add photos from each of your visits.

At TravelPlanr, we are
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