sustainable tourism costa rica (4)

Romantic Maquenque Eco-Lodge Costa RicaLooking to get away for a quick fall break or Thanksgiving vacation? Maybe a romantic adventure holiday? If you are into nature and wildlife, Costa Rica is the place to go.

A good Costa Rica vacation deal for the fall is the Romance and Natural Adventure Costa Rica Vacation Package at Maquenque Eco-Lodge in the Northern Plains of Costa Rica.

Valid through Dec. 19, 2014, the package includes two nights’ accommodation in a private bungalow with a balcony overlooking a beautiful lagoon and rainforest

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“Without water, there can be no life. Without clean water, there can be no healthy life.”

WaterKeeper-Alliance-300x68.jpg?width=300This is the driving force behind the worldwide environmental organization Waterkeeper Alliance. Based in the United States, the Waterkeeper Alliance aspires to protect every major watershed around the world, to advocate for every person’s right to clean water and the equitable use of water resources globally.

Water is at the center of the world’s most pressing issues today: security, scarcity, energy, climate

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9008806891?profile=originalLike the lion or the tiger, the jaguar is the "king of the jungle" in the Americas. It is the largest feline in the Americas and the third largest in the world, notes Wikipedia. With a range extending from Southwestern United States and Mexico across much of Central America and south to Paraguay and northern Argentina, there are only an estimated 15,000 jaguars left in the wild, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

"The jaguar is still an abundant species, but is threatened by habitat loss

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What makes a sustainable business "sustainable" and why should we care?

Here's a news flash for you – we all live on the same planet Earth. In many ways we humans, and all of the living and non-living things and elements that exist on our planet, are connected. The dust storms in Africa that cause cloudy, windy, dry weather in Central America; the earthquake in Asia that causes a nuclear reactor to leak radioactive material into the world's largest ocean, affecting the fish we're eating for dinne

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