icebergs (2)

We would be tempted to say that the best time to travel to Iceland would be in June, July and August but there  is  no best time actually.  Everything depends on what you are looking for.  Iceland in summer time and Iceland in winter time is two different countries.

In the summer time you have the day light 24h/24h,  that is magic.  You can cross the country from south to north or vise versa by the highlands.  You will see  incredible colors in the highlands -   you can rent a car and then visit

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Iceland: Life on the Brink


Iceland: Life on the Brink

Icelanders live on the edge.

In 1783 the Laki Volcano  in this glacier-covered country erupted in a violent and prolonged paroxysm, killing a fifth of the country's population.

For 10 months 30 billion tons of lava and sulfuric acid belched forth, creating a noxious haze that killed crops and livestock in Europe as it wound its deadly way west.

Some experts say it was this eruption that led to crop failures in distant France, setting the stage for the French Revolution

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