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Greenpoint, Brooklyn's northernmost neighborhood, started out as farmland that was eventually parceled out during the 19th Century to accommodate insatiable residential expansion away from New York City's core. There was also abundant commerce thanks to direct shipping access via the East River to New York Harbor the Atlantic Ocean beyond. Miles of factories and warehouses fueled the neighborhood's livelihood and character until the 1970's when the economy and manufacturing experienced the first

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6 Top Cool Experiences in Brooklyn, New York City


My kinda town, New York City is - and unlike many other Manhattanites (ashemedly including myself, back in the day), I do not fetishize my home borough these days. Yet when it comes to the tourism and much else in the Big Apple, fuhgeddaboutit – Manhattan remains the proverbial “800-pound gorilla”, an attention hog with all the flashiest sights, dining, shows, and yadda yadda yadda. But the so-called “outer boroughs” (besides Brooklyn, the BronxQueens, and Staten Island) have really

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