Puerto Viejo costa rica (2)

Bocas del Toro in Panamá

Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica  is a must stop for tourists travelling on the border at Sixaola heading Panama, it’s popular for people going to and from Bocas del Toro.

Bocas del Toro  is a group of islands, about three hours south of the town of Puerto Viejo in Panamá, accessible only by boat or plane.

This area is known for its great cultural and biological diversity, for the many islands and inlets and for the great expanse of coral reef that surrounds them. Snorkeling here is a fantastic experience

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Christopher Columbus in Costa Rica, image by WikipediaWhile Christopher Columbus is remembered in the USA in the upcoming October holiday, many other countries take a much broader perspective for their celebrations.

The USA observes Oct. 12 (or the Monday closest to it) as Columbus Day for the date that explorer Christopher Columbus arrived in the Americas in 1492. Spain commemorates Oct. 12 is Hispanic Day. But the holiday in the Bahamas is known as Discovery Day, in Belize as the Day of the Americas, and the Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity i

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