Planning to go on a vacation soon? Choosing a location is never easy and this is the main reason why you will desire to get as informed as possible about each option you have before finally making a decision. It all starts with your preferences. In case you are a person who would like to break out of routine every now and then, exotic locations are the answer. Yet, there are so many exotic places out there and making the choice will be difficult. Whether you desire to enjoy a safari in the middle of wildlife or you’d like to sunbathe next to the crystal-clear water of the ocean, these locations will surely make you want to visit them.


Starting with Bali…

Before setting up anything, think about transportation. If you live near one of these locations, consider what Edmunds says about the Kia Sorento. If not, book your plane tickets early so you won’t encounter any problems with pricing before your departure. Back to the location, everyone heard at least once in their lifetime about Bali. It is the number one attraction in Indonesia for its exotic, mysterious ambiance. Bali is an island of Gods and once you get there you will be able to live a unique experience by visiting the numerous temples surrounded by religious people. For a spiritual journey and relaxation, Bali is the answer.

Or Ischia

Not many people know about Ischia. It is an island in Italy, in the Campania region. Nearby Ischia, you can also visit Capri and Procida. These amazing islands are placed in a region with active volcanoes. Ischia is very small and quiet, which makes it perfect for people who want to get away from the crowded city and take some time for themselves, in the middle of nature, somewhere between the sea and the mountains. Don’t hesitate to visit the other locations in the immediate vicinity. It is an experience you won’t be able to forget too soon.

How about Vieques?

Puerto Rico is well-known for its touristic potential. This is the reason why Vieques is a great choice for an exotic holiday. It is part of an island group, close to Puerto Rico. There are two main cities on the island you should visit: Isabel Segunda and Esperanza. Vieques is a hot region where you can enjoy some bananas, coconut milk, papaya or sweet potatoes on the beach.

Ending with Key West…

If you are looking for crazy nightlife in the middle of an exotic place, Key West is the place for you. It is the southernmost place in the USA and is great when desiring to get rid of the tiring routine. In addition, you will be able to visit Cuba, which is extremely close-by. Duval Street is the home to delicious cocktails and nautical sports wait for you patiently. Key West is one of the many options you have, but there is something to it that will make you want to visit it as soon as possible.

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