The Costa Rica-based airline wasacknowledged for comprehensive efforts to compensate for its carbonemissions and social initiatives to promote education and the generalwelfare in the regions they operate.
“Our efforts are aimed at raising thestandard of living in the destinations we fly to, while offering anexceptional experience to our passengers” said Alex Khajavi, Founder andCEO of Nature Air. “Awards like World Savers help confirm that we areon the right track, and strengthen a growing community of sociallyresponsible industry pioneers that are on the same path.”
Nature Air offsets 100 percent of itsgreenhouse gas emissions by subsidizing reforestation and conservationof tropical forests in Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula. Nature Air purchasescarbon credits from the government’s National Forestry Financing Fund(FONAFIFO), run by the Ministry of the Environment (MINAET). Inaddition, Nature Air fuels all ground equipment and vehicles withbio-diesel (a mix of recycled vegetable and cooking oils), collectedfrom airline employees and local restaurants. It’s estimated thisbiodegradable fuel will reduce roughly 560 tons of CO2 emissions peryear.
Nature Air also funds a social andeducational initiative called the Nature Kids Foundation. Nature Kidsaims to provide English education to the communities Nature Air serves.The program has developed two schools, one in Santa Ana and the other inDrake Bay, with the goal of expanding to the rest of the airline's maindestinations. Nature Kids' students range from elementary age toadults. They learn practical English skills for educational advancementand application in the tourism industry, which dominates regionaleconomies where the schools are located.
While some members of the tourismindustry have battled tough economic times, Nature Air has continued togrow through eco-friendly cost-cutting strategies. Nature Air continuesto invest in its sustainable tourism programs and has increased profitsby 22% since 2003.
Alex Khajavi has been invited to speakon a guest panel at the 2010 CNT World Savers Congress on Oct. 20 inSingapore along with representatives from fellow winners: Abercrombie& Kent, Royal Caribbean, Grand Hyatt, and the small Costa Ricanhotel chain Cayuga Sustainable Hospitality. He, along with otherhonorees of the World Savers, will introduce to the heads of the tourismindustry – collectively the world's largest industry at $7 trillion inrevenue this year – a range of resources to help them implement moreeffective and sustainable programs.
For more about Nature Air’s carbon compensation program: