There are a number of fascinating day trips and overnights out of Dakar, as well. One of the most interesting happens  to also be the closest. Gorée Island, three kilometres (two miles) offshore from the city (reachable by ferry, obviously) preserves the complex used to administer a sgnificant portion of the brutal West African slave trade; they say many were processed here through the “door of no return”, but historians remain divided on that, with some holding that Gorée may have been administration only. Regardless, the spooky buildings and museum of slavery here never fail to leave a strong impression on visitors, who have included presidents, popes, and prime ministers (there are a couple of other worthwhile museums on the island, one devoted to women in Senegal and the other to the sea in Senegalese culture).

Read more in our post The Fascinatin´ Rhythims of Dakar, Senegal.




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