Spring skiing in Jackson Hole

Tripatini contributor Ed Wetschler writes:

"I've been skiing, dining, watching wildlife, and visiting spas in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and I'm here to say that if you're able to get there before April 3, the last day of winter season, go for it. This area has gotten a ton of snow, so the Tetons look beautiful, the sled dogs feel good, thousands of big-antlered elk are still lounging on the lowlands (the National Elk Refuge) right outside town, and hotels in Jackson Hole and Teton Mountain Village, the ski resort, are dealing. And need I remind you that Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, with its challenging steeps and bowls, its glades and groomed half-pipe blues, is the Pebble Beach of skiing?"

Read more in his post Jackson Hole Deals for Spring Skiing.


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