Founded toward the end of the 18th century, the department's eponymous capital Rocha (pop. around 25,500) is a small, pleasant city about just a few kilometres inland from the coast, featuring charming architecture (including an elegant 1910 theatre) and a relaxed, very local vibe.

But for the ecotourism-minded, there are a number of other highlights - all benefiting from this area's moist, temperate, ocean-influenced climate - spread across the 10,551 square kilometres (4,074 sq. miles) of this bucolic department, which mostly makes its living from cattle ranching (and let us tell you, organically raised, free-range Uruguayan beef is as good as or maybe even better than Argentine - here I enjoyed one of my tastiest parrillada barbecued meals ever).

Read more in our post The Exceptional Ecotourism of Uruguay´s La Rocha Province.




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