The world's most wondrous sights and sites manmade and natural, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe! In other words, to paraphrase the bestseller, more than 900 places to see before you die (better get hopping!).

And by the way, UNESCO World Heritage status is granted to not just places but also cultural traditions, crafts, and more - a veritable universe of experiences!


cover photo: Hans Reniers/Unsplash

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5 UNESCO Sites among ¨8 of Yemen´s Most Compelling Destinations´

 Dan Significantly bigger than California and more than twice the size of the United Kingdom and this wedge of a country of 24 million on the Arabian Sea and running along the southeast corner of the Arabian Peninsula is troubled, to say the least – one of the world´s poorest countries and embroiled in a bitter, brutal civil war that makes it off limits to tourism for the moment. But it´s still well worth showcasing some of the wealth of historical, cultural, and natural riches Yemen has to…

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3 spectacular UNESCO sites in Libya

 Luca Galuzzi - The territory of what is today Libya, along with Algeria and Tunisia, was once part of ancient Rome´s second most prosperous region after Italy itself, beginning with the Roman Republic´s conquest of Carthage and the rest of the Punic Empire in 146 BCE and lasting until 439, when it was in turn conquered by Germanic Vandals. Its legacy (as well as that of ancient Greece, which had its own colonies along this coast) lives on today in some extraordinary…

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Martinique´s UNESCO World Heritage Mount Pelée

Just over a half hour up the coast from capital Fort-de-France, the town of St. Pierre was once considered the "Paris of the Caribbean" before it was buried by the 1902 eruption of nearby Pelée, the island´s highest peak at 4,583 feet (1,397 meters). And while a new town grew up nearby, visitors can explore the ruins of the old city, including a jail cell which protected of the eruption´s three survivors, and learn more at the Musée Volcanique. These days the volcano is calm (though still…

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Zambia´s UNESCO World Heritage eco reserves

 Diego Delso When it comes to safaris and ecotourism, Zambia often takes a back seat to the likes of Botswana, Kenya, and Tanzania. But this large country in south-central Africa is positively packed with eco treasures, and its marquis attraction is one of the planet´s most spectacular waterfalls, Victoria Falls, which it shares with Zimbabwe. In addition, there are some 20 teeming nature reserves which offer as rewarding an eco-experience as any of Zambia´s neighbors – arguably even more so,…

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  • Now that Syria has been liberated from the Assad dictatorship, attention is turning to how to restore the damage done to UNESCO Site Palmyra and other historical sites from civil war and occupation by Daesh
    Experts push to restore Syria’s war-torn heritage sites, including renowned Roman ruins at Palmyra
  • Every well travled Spaniard must visit the great UNESCO World Heritage monastery San Lorenzo de El Escorial at least once, and I thought I checked that box years ago. But now comes this news, and I´m curious to go back:
    Testament to Spain’s golden age to open up its secret spaces after €6m revamp | Spain | The Guardian
    Unesco-listed San Lorenzo de El Escorial was fulfilment of Philip II’s dream of raising monastery in a ‘desert’
  • Frankly, in the case of Japanese sake, I´m surprised this didn´t happen sooner!
  • An interesting article about the inevitable political side of UNESCO World Heritage designations:
    UNESCO has always been mired in politics and squabbling, but this shouldn’t detract from its work
    Australia has suggested a UNESCO recommendation to list the Great Barrier Reef as ‘in danger’ was motivated by politics. This is hardly the first suc…
  • UNESCO recently designated 42 new sites as World Heritage, and it seems that the designation is actually a mixed blessing. In the days after 1,500-year-old site of Si Thep in Thailand´s north was added to the list, 20,000 tourists descended and caused havoc
    Tourists quickly swamped 1,500-year-old ruins in Thailand after they were named a UNESCO site, prom…
    Tourists descended on Thailand's Si Thep, an ancient town around 1,500 years old, after it was named a UNESCO site this month.
  • In researching one particular UNESCO site, I came across this BBC piece from several years back about what exactly makes a heritage site worthy of its designation:
    What is a Unesco World Heritage site?
    A report has revealed that the number of World Heritage sites affected by climate change has nearly doubled in three years.
  • As far as I can tell, Thrillist isn't in the habit of covering UNESCO sites, but find out why they made an exception for this city in Malaysia:
    Things to Do in Georgetown, Malaysia - Thrillist
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  • The traditional Romanian women's blouse, the "ia", was in December 2022 amongst the latest additions to UNESCO's Intangible World Heritage list, but its local manufacturers are under threat from cheap Chinese imports. Radio Free Europe recently covered the issue here:
    Romania's Traditional Clothing Makers Call For Action After UNESCO Listing
    Producers of Romania and Moldova's traditional blouse, the ia, hope its recent addition to UNESCO's list of intangible cultural heritage will boost c…
  • Sadly, UNESCO just added three sites to its "endangered" list, in Lebananon (the 1962 trade fair grounds in Tripoli designed by Oscar Niemayer), Ukraine (Odesa's historic centre), and Yemen (kandmarks of the ancient Kingdom of Saba - the last two because of conflict, the first because of neglect/lack of maintenance:
    Three sites 'in danger' added to UNESCO World Heritage List
    The historic center of the Ukrainian port city of Odesa was added to UNESCO's World Heritage List as well as its list of sites "in danger" on Wednesd…
  • Last week the Washington Post recently marked the 50th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Site program by publishing a look at two dozen sites in the USA:
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