What's the coolest and/or usefullest stuff out there to help you on your perambulations?


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8 essential items for winter travel

PickPik Winter may now already be on its way out, but if this one’s for anyone already thinking of next season. A couple of months ago, in preparation for a whirl through the winter wonderland above Norway’s Arctic Circle, I realized that the usual winter togs that serve me well enough in Spain just weren’t going to cut it in serious snow, ice, and temperatures forecasted to drop as low as 5⁼ Fahrenheit (-15⁼ Celsius). So I educated myself about what new cold-weather clothes gear I would need…

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5 questions to ask when choosing a stand-up paddleboard for surfing

A.belloc Invented in Hawaii in the 1940s, stand-up paddle boarding has become especially popular in the last decade, partly because unlike surfing it can be practiced by a broad range of people of all ages and fitness levels. But while most people associate this activity with placid seas and lakes, an increasing number are using them to surf - albeit relatively mild surf, no more than one to two feet high. Most paddle boards are made of fiberglass and are ten to 12 feet long, but there…

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A brief guide to flashlights & lanterns for camping

Adventure_Photo Anyone who's been camping knows how dark it gets out there at night; I have been to some campsites that I can hardly see my hand in front of my eyes. Lighting is an essential when out camping. I have been camping for over 26 years and have found that everyone should have their own flashlight and a lantern or two for the campsite itself. Nothing worse than tripping over a piece of wood for the fire and falling when you can't see a thing. I always have two or more flashlights…

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The top 5 travel accessories that you must own

Travelling these days isn’t as simple as it was a few years back. Once you just had to keep your clothes and toiletries in a bag and you were good to go. But now you need to keep a lot of accessories handy in order to make your travel comfortable. We have made a list of five such things that should always be present in your travel bag. Plus buying them is extremely easy; for example like you can get your neck pillow online, as with various other products. So here are our top five musts: read…

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