Apart from news and views on media covering tourism, travel, and hospitality, writers, editors, photogs, and bloggers share tips, leads, ideas, news, gripes. PR reps/journos ISO press releases/trips, see also "PR/Marketing." Opinions stated are not necessarily those of Tripatini.

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A tribute to my friend, the late travel media icon Arthur Frommer

  The legendary U.S. travel journalist and entrepreneur Arthur Frommer passed away November 18 at the age of 95. Born in Virginia and with an early boyhood in a small town in Missouri, Arthur was a lawyer who became a pioneering and great travel journalist, and who will be remembered as having helped open the joys of travel to the masses. While serving in the U.S. Army in Europe in the 1950s, he got the travel bug, came out with a travel guide for servicemen, and followed up in 1957 with…

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1 Reply · Reply by José Balido Nov 24

Free access to Encyclopaedia Britannica for journalists

My editor at Encyclopaedia Britannica has asked me to extend this offer to all my journalist colleagues. You are invited to enjoy free access to all its factchecked resources, and if you do link to a Britannica story in your articles, none of the content linked to will be paywalled. Your readers in turn will have full and free access to Britannica's content. To get your free, personal subscription, just go to britannica.com/journalists and enter the code: EXPERT-CONTENT.

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1 Reply · Reply by Michael Raviv Jul 18

What do you wear to Seven Magic Mountains?

Seven Magic Mountains is an art installation located in the Nevada desert, and the weather can be quite hot and dry. Therefore, it is recommended to wear comfortable and breathable clothing, such as shorts, t-shirts, and sandals or sneakers. You may also want to bring a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun. It's also a good idea to bring a bottle of water to stay hydrated. While there is no strict dress code, it's important to dress appropriately for the weather and…

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1 Reply · Reply by Surendra Singh Aug 7, 2023

What is global entry?

Global Entry is a program that allows pre-approved travelers to expedite the process of entering the United States.To apply for Global Entry, you must be a citizen or national of the United States, Mexico, or Canada and have a valid passport. You can also be a lawful permanent resident of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico.Once you have applied for Global Entry and been approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to complete your interview appointment at any U.S. Customs and Border…

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  • Hal, you completely missed the point of my comment and your remarks below make a lot of inaccurate assumptions. Someone in an earlier comment suggested that the Belize Tourism Board might prefer to work with bloggers. We general travel bloggers deliver a broader demographic, than say a magazine targeted to high income people only, where the average hotel reviewed is $700-1000/night.

    Sure, the Francis Ford Copolla resorts and some of the private caye resorts are in that league, but the average hotel room in Belize is not. Nor is the average visitor to Belize staying in $1000/night private caye accommodations.

    My suitcase is Briggs & Riley (backpacks dont work when you want to bring rum and Marie Sharps home). And, Ive been to Belize about 4x traveling extensively throughout the country (and Im coincidentally a Yucatan Peninsula DE on Tripadvisor) - how about you?


    Maybe you should read my site. My last blog post about Belize was about a private atoll dive resort where I stayed in June - Off the Wall. All the other guests were investment bankers, retired, or 1 man who let us know he was in the Top 10 Lawyers in the US.

  • @SuiteCaseReady - who do you perceive as "the type of traveler that goes to Belize"?  Obviously, you have a single definition that conforms to your site but I'd point out that there are plenty of people who go there for all sorts of reasons - sorry, it's not just the $50 a night room backpacker crowd, so I hope your "suitcase" is a Gucci because most of the hotels on Ambergris Cay for instance charge a little more than that.  And that's exactly the problem that the Belize Tourism people have allowed themselves to be finagled into collaborating the wrooong way with media on - the misperception from BVK & the Holder/Kriehn crew that they should only reach out to backpackers because the higher markets and other media will come anyway.  But, maybe they won't.  We all have choices nowadays, specially the one percent. 

  • For those of you who haven't seen it, we're running the award winning Gina Sandoval documentary "Timmy Wheels" at The World on Wheels today. It's a short doc featuring my sometime partner at the blog, and the inspiration for it, my son Tim. Bring some popcorn and enjoy the show (by the way, he's still available for your voiceover needs): http://tinyurl.com/y5p4l34

    The World on Wheels
    An ongoing adventure of travel and living while using a wheelchair. Tim has been disabled from birth. Darryl is his father and caregiver who travel…
  • Rhino Conservation and adventure tourism meet

    EcoTraining will be offering its first Rhino conservation course in April of 2012, in 2011 the company included a section on Rhinos as part of their conservation and research program in South Africa and Botswana as depicted in the photos below.


    The ear notching and DNA data collection was a huge success and will now form a separate training module to follow up on these magnificent endangered animals. Not only is Rhino poaching very topical at the moment, but we actually do not know a lot about these targeted animals surrounded by myth and legend. We need a deeper understanding to start making a change.


    The aim of the course is twofold. First, to provide an in-depth education suitable for rangers, tourists, and academics on the two African rhinos and the conservation thereof. Second, to establish and teach non-invasive methods for monitoring rhino populations

    The main method of instruction would be hands on participation in a rhino monitoring project. This would be supplemented by lectures. The goal of the monitoring project would be to establish identikits for all rhinos within a given research area. This would be accomplished by a variety of methods depending on the area, including:

    • Camera traps analysis (setting and collecting data). Tracking and trailing of Rhinos. This is used to identify the individual animals (Plaster casts of tracks)
    • Trailing by foot and by vehicle when possible to photograph for identity kits.
    • Trailing on foot to establish movement patterns, habitat selection, water sources and territories.
    • Study on foot – behavior and food/habitat selections
    • Dung analysis to determine food selection.

    Topics that will be covered during the first course will be

    • Rhinos of the world
    • Biology of rhinos
    • Evolution of Rhinocerotidae and subtaxa
    • Rhino Behavior (Black and White Rhino)
    • Poaching and anti- Poaching
    • Conservation issues
    • Conservation research and methods
    • Tracking and trailing
    • Rhino Habits and ecosystems

    Although heavy emphasis will be placed on Rhino, other aspects of savannah ecosystems will also be explored.

    For more information contact Corne Schalkwyk at marketing@ecotraining.co.za Media is welcome to contact me for information or arrangments to join the course for publication. We will also include this as part of the next SA Tourism media program in September 2012 "the green product tour".

  • Michelle Bowers at the Belize tourism board is very responsive and sweet ..

    Contact: Michelle Bowers
    Manager of Trade
    Phone: 501-227-2420
    Email: mbowers@travelbelize.org
    Website: www.travelbelize.org
  • Good luck trying to get any reply from Tourism Belize. We've been trying to collect on a free trip that we won last August. They eventually sent us the gift certificate for it, but then when we asked to book it we couldn't get a response. Now, we're on the fourth person, and still can't get an answer. Think they're just ignoring us as long as possible so that it expires and they don't need to redeem it. This is a giveaway they were doing at a tradeshow...

  • As a travel blogger who loves Belize, this is good to know... could be we're just more targeted for the type of traveler who goes to Belize.

  • @Sam - I wasn't privy to the interraction between client & PR, but...my observation & experience w/BVK is that yes, they encouraged their client(s) - which include other experience I've also had with them re. the Dominican Republic - to make a strategic decision to go that route.  But since other people in other media do travel there - although not as part of a sponsored press trip - they can still claim they "assist".  Like Republicans, they'll always have deniability about what they actually do.  Personally I'm beyond caring since I go anyway, no thanks to them nor do I inform them when I cover anything in either of those destinations. 

  • Hal, excuse this question from a writer who's not a travel writer: Are you saying that the Belize Tourism Board favors online writers over newspaper and magazine writers? Isn't that the opposite of what other boards do? 

  • @John - re: your Belize question - the media contact for the Belize Tourism Board for north Am. media is a firm called BVK.  However, they won't help you out with a single thing unless you're in with their circle of bloggers and beware if you ever did print.  That includes even sending you a press release, & their people never return calls.  You're just better off sidelining them & contacting directly the individual PR repping properties or activities, if you need help them message me - I have a few such.

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