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Free access to Encyclopaedia Britannica for journalists

My editor at Encyclopaedia Britannica has asked me to extend this offer to all my journalist colleagues. You are invited to enjoy free access to all its factchecked resources, and if you do link to a Britannica story in your articles, none of the content linked to will be paywalled. Your readers in turn will have full and free access to Britannica's content. To get your free, personal subscription, just go to britannica.com/journalists and enter the code: EXPERT-CONTENT.

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1 Reply · Reply by Michael Raviv Jul 18

What do you wear to Seven Magic Mountains?

Seven Magic Mountains is an art installation located in the Nevada desert, and the weather can be quite hot and dry. Therefore, it is recommended to wear comfortable and breathable clothing, such as shorts, t-shirts, and sandals or sneakers. You may also want to bring a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun. It's also a good idea to bring a bottle of water to stay hydrated. While there is no strict dress code, it's important to dress appropriately for the weather and…

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1 Reply · Reply by Surendra Singh Aug 7, 2023

What is global entry?

Global Entry is a program that allows pre-approved travelers to expedite the process of entering the United States.To apply for Global Entry, you must be a citizen or national of the United States, Mexico, or Canada and have a valid passport. You can also be a lawful permanent resident of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico.Once you have applied for Global Entry and been approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to complete your interview appointment at any U.S. Customs and Border…

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What is the most historical place in india?

The most historical place in India is the Taj Mahal. The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan commissioned the building of this beautiful mausoleum for his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died while giving birth to their 14th child. The Taj Mahal took 22 years to build and is considered one of the world's most iconic buildings.Other historical places include the Red Fort in Delhi and Qutub Minar in Delhi. These sites were built during the Mughal Empire and are known for their architectural beauty.

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  • Rare vintage aircraft will take to the air Thanksgiving weekend as Fantasy of Flight in Polk City, Florida celebrates its 15th anniversary.

    Aviation and history buffs will get to see historic aircraft in actual flight according to the following schedule:

    Friday. Nov. 26
    11 a.m. -- Piper L-4
    noon -- Nord Stampe
    1 p.m. -- Stinson Tri-Motor
    2 p.m. -- Grumman TBM
    3 p.m. -- Grumman Wildcat
    Saturday, Nov. 27
    11 a.m. -- Bucker Bestmann
    noon -- Polikarpov Po-2
    1 p.m. -- Ford Tri-Motor
    2 p.m. -- Grumman Duck
    3 p.m. -- North American P-51C
    Sunday, Nov. 28
    11 a.m. -- Fiesler Storch
    noon -- Avro Cadet
    1 p.m. -- Travelair 4000
    2 p.m. -- North American AT-6
    3 p.m. -- North American P-51D

    In appreciation of 15 years of support, Fantasy of Flight will be surprising guests with giveaways, prizes and more this weekend, as well as throughout the anniversary year.

    For ticket info call 863-984-3500 or visit fantasyofflight.com
  • It's good staff writers aside, does anyone else see a 'king-without-his-clothes' thing going on with HuffPro? Under a spotty veneer of quality, lots of huffing and ripping of press releases going on. Just an opinion from a serf ....
  • Can someone remind me:

    1. why would any writer want to work for someone who doesn't value their work?

    2. why would any writer work for free for someone who is extraordinarily rich?
  • HuffPo's Travel editor can provide you with submission guidelines. In addition to not paying you for your stories, HP prohibits acceptance of discounted or free travel services, lodging, etc. by its freelance writers.
  • This reminds me there used to be a TV program about this crazy Ozzie - no, not numb nuts who died from the stingray sting - but another guy who wore long pants. He would be talking to the camera, then suddenly jump out of a helicopter to wrestle some animals to the earth. I wonder what happened to him?
  • Enjoy Perth, Bev. WA is my home state and Perth is so VERY FAR from everywhere, yet a fabulous destination in its own right. Hope you have time to stop over and look around.
  • Max,
    regarding your question and comment - HuffPo's travel section doesn't pay, but some writers seem to have made it pay anyway in terms of the traffic they managed to drive to their own site and attention they got that in turn led to remunerative projects elsewhere. I'm just thinking of one person I admire by the name of Natalie who wrote on Necker Island BVI, she has a great site of her own and should really start paywalling it at this point. Other people appearing on HP travel, however, I find more questionable both in their M.O. and worldview, thinking of someone who expounded on "Why WE Travel..". Sounded like a papal pronunciation on the one and only formula for Correct Travel.
  • Next week I'm off oin a train trip - the Indian Pacific train departing from Sydney and it choofs all the way across Australia to the other side and we end up in Perth, the capital city of the state of Western Australia.
  • I've been all around the World, but haven't been to Aruba yet. I hope to visit Aruba, via Holland America Line this January. Just returned from a Norwegian Coastal cruise with Hurtigruten: Check out my video here.
  • Poll: Where is your next ideal adventure vacation?

    View the answers and submit your own here.

    *Thought some of you might appreciate reading the results of this poll.
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