Anyone here interested in Buddhism?

Master Shengyen of Dharma Drum Mountain is a Buddhism Master whom I truly respect. He passed away earlier in March, while Dharma Drum Moutain ( is still running with his teachings. I am very "oppositional" as my family says, and I always ask for scientifically proved results. Yet, Buddhism to me is not a seeing is believing subject. It's more powerful. It's feeling is believing! I feel calm, balanced and am willing to be a better person and do good deeds. I can't ask for more in life. Wisdom and Compassion are what my master always emphasized.I once asked what exactly are wisdom and compassion? "Wisdom is not to be emotional about yourself, and compassion is not be emotional about others". That's all he said. To me, this simple comment is truly wise and powerful. I am not here to preach, but only to share. Buddhism and any religions to me are history, philosophy and culture. Check this out - and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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