10898019270?profile=RESIZE_930xVito Manzari

Contibutor Fyllis Hoffman writes, "it happend all the time with the tour operator Overseas Adventure Travel. I start out expecting to write about the trip itself – in this case, Sicily's Ancient Landscapes & Timeless Traditions"-- and I end up writing about all the things that aren't on the itinerary – what OAT refers to as "learning and discovery." Sure, I wanted to focus on the extensive ruins of the Greeks and Romans from the 8th century BCE; the city market initiated by the Arabs in 900 CE still operates today almost as it did then."  But she also found herself including several other different types of fascinating encounters - several of a political and controversial bent, such as a meeting with the son of one of Sicily´s most notorious Mafia bosses or with an organization which helps refugee "boat people" crossing from Africa.

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