Green and mountainous, the Granite State boasts good skiing and other outdoorsy pursuits, especially on and around lakes like Winnipesaukee; there's even a sliver of seashore. Cities include Concord, Nashua, Manchester, and Portsmouth.

Cover photo: Cannon Mountain

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5 of New Hampshire´s best ski/winter resorts

 storylanding The Granite State is blessed with more than 20 great winter resorts, most of them in the White Mountains in the north center of the state, around a two-hour drive from capital Manchester and 2½ hours from Boston, and most of them are just as enjoyable to visit for nature and adventure activities the rest of the year when the snow is gone. So to give you a flavor of what winter fun New Hampshire style is like, here´s my pick of the top half dozen (all in the White Mountains…

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Mt. Washington Cog Railway cited in 'In the USA this Fall, Combine Foliage with Adventure'

Dan and Mary Stroudt oooh and aaah at the multicolored scenery below the hot air balloon in which they’re riding. The journey is very different for Mark and Marylee Sutherland as they help to paddle a rubber raft along a stretch of whitewater in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Betsy Goodman and Tom Cross are traveling at a slower pace, strolling across a glass-bottom observation deck. These disparate experiences may seem to have little in common, but they do. They provide…

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Hampton Beach cited as one of '5 of the USA's Best Surfing Spots Outside Hawaii/California/Florida'

When it comes to surfing, Hawaii and California are of course the most famous states in the USA (and for places in the latter, like Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach, Malibu, Newport Beach, and Venice Beach, fly into Los Angeles International Airport and can an amazing deal at NÜ Car Rentals). But 21 other states also border oceans, with varyiing qualities of surfing in many. Here are five of the best, should your travels take you there (with at least three in driving distance of another NÜ…

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The Granite State is classic New England

Today another initial milestone in the USA‘s presidential primary season shines the spotlight on one of this country’s smallest and oldest states – and one that’s a little off the beaten track for overseas visitors, but rich in nature (and fall foliage), history, and awesome options for adventure and sport (especially skiing and snowboarding). Just north of Massachusetts (its southern border is less than 90 minutes from Iberia gateway Boston), the Granite State – a nickname that refers to its…

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