Sitting on 80,000-acres of pristine wilderness, the property boasting boutique lodge rooms and luxurious safari-inspired glamping tents. Horseback riding, fly-fishing, and lake swimming are just some of the refreshing pursuits on offer, and the guided eco-adventures will leave you in no doubt as to nature’s regenerative powers. Billed as an “Indiana Jones”-type experience, the "Waterfall Ecology Hike" is part reflection – the journey detailing the devastation of the 2017 wildfires – and part inspiration – the adventure prompting you to heal yourself and the planet after giving you the rare opportunity to see the real effects of climate change. There's also the opportunity to tune into your own natural rhythm at the Star Camp (set in its own private dark sky reserve) deep in the Cariboo wilds. Departures June to September.

Read more in Tripatini contributor Bea Villiers´ post Ride & Recharge: Wellness & Wellbeing at 10 Top Guest Ranches.


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