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Pebble Beach cited in 'A Fantastic California Road Trip: San Francisco to Carmel'

isogood One of the most famous destinations along this route is an unincorporated community that's long been a resort destination for the well heeled, especially famous for its seven golf courses, such as Cypress Point Club, Monterey Peninsula Country Club, and Pebble Beach Golf Links, as well as the scenic 17th-Mile-Drive, meandering along the beaches and forests between Monterey and Carmel. There's a $10 fee to enter the area.   read post  

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8 top golf destinations for families

   Ko Olina Golf Club If dad (and/or mom) want to combine a family vacation with some great golfing, there are a few destinations which offer both top-notch links and a wide menu of other attractions that will appeal to the kids. So everybody's happy - after all, shouldn't that be the whole point of traveling as a family? Here among hundreds of choices across the world I offer you eight of my favorites where family travel dovetails nicely with golf travel - see if you agree, and if you…

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3 tech tips for golf fans traveling this summer

Golf fans across the globe have a lot to look forward to this summer, which starts with the 2018 US Open today in the Hamptons of Long Island, New York.If it were possible, all the fans would travel to watch the US Open and other upcoming competitions in person. However, for various reasons, watching the games from home is the available option for most fans. Unfortunately, fans traveling this Summer will lack the opportunity to watch the games in person or at home. So, what should they do for…

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