The allures of Copenhagen



Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen, 
Friendly old girl of a town! 
'Neath her tavern light
On this merry night,
Let us clink and drink one down!
To wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen, 
Salty old queen of the sea!
Once I sailed away, 
But I'm home today,
Singing Copenhagen, wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen for me!

These charming lines from the 1950s Danny Kaye musical Hans Christian Anderson (listen below) still do capture the friendly, comfy vibe of one of Europe's more charming and laid-back capitals (pop. around 1.4 million). The locals not only live up to their reputation as the friendliest and most gregarious of Scandinavians, but they're also among the most environmentally conscious (though this is shared all over Scandinavia these days). Here in Denmark's capital you’ll see locals constantly going about on bicycles, whether to work, shopping, or just riding around – even in the rain, snow, lightning, and even at night. (And with the notably thrifty Danes, it’s also often a matter not just of the health of the planet but of the health of their wallets, pedaling after all being free.)

As a visitor, however, it’s worth hitting the pavements on two feet, and Copenhagen's more than a manageable enough size for that.

Read more in our post Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhage, Salty Old Queen of the Sea.

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