Tripatini contributor Fyllis Hockman writes:

"On the northernmost of the BVI - a mere 15 square miles and with a population of just 450, a 45-minute ferry ride from Tortola, recently my husband Victor and I were privileged to visit for the 12th annual Anegada Lobster Festival, held in late November. Massive varieties of dishes that this crustacean can be transformed into abound, well beyond any traditional lobster meal. Thirteen restaurants around the island offered samples of their luscious lobster creations for $10 each. Of course, some well-known chefs judged the two-day extravaganza. The criteria? Presentation, texture, originality, taste/flavor and overall impression. The subtleties were lost on me."

Read more in her post In the British Virgin Islands, Anegada and its Lobster Festival.

Victor Block


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