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How nervous flyers can increase their sense of control whilst flying

 FG TradeOne of the key causes of anxiety and stress for fearful flyers is their perceived lack of control. This in turn can make them avoid air travel – limiting their lives considerably – and if they do get on a plane, cause them suffering.While it’s true that as passengers we have no control over the flight itself (fortunately), this doesn’t mean that there’s nothing anxious flyers can do to feel that they do have some control over the situation. And here are five simple ways you can do…

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Airline pilots and their extremely rigorous training

 Rathke A few of you may have had the privilege of visiting the flight deck of a commercial airliner, and found yourself fascinated by the myriad levers, buttons, and other mechanisms surrounding the captain and co-pilot. After seeing that instrument panel, have you ever wondered what kind of training a pilot has? Of course, they must have a flight license, but how do you study for it? How long does it take? Are there other requirements along with flight training itself? Here's a quick…

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6 tips for finding cheap airline tickets

  Travelers who are passionate about wandering to new destinations often put a hold on their exploration owing to expenses. In order to fulfill all their travel wishes, and to save money for their next trips, they need to cut down flight expenses. If your someone who wants to save on travels, cutting down on flight booking cost is one of the ways to reduce your expenses. Flight tickets costs vary depending on the day of the week, time of the week, and holidays. Follow these simple tricks to…

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  • Hi Everyone! I'm in the points/miles business, so if there are any questions out there feel free to send them my way!

  • Tried to send this from my iPhone yesterday. Bari and Brindisi are only about an hour away from each other. Just take a train or bus to the right airport. It will add about 2 hours to your airport commute. It shouldn't be a problem.

  • I actually found this yesterday and reached out to the people on that list. The info is a bit old and I have heard nothing back yet, but did make the good faith effort.

    And a thank you to Ed for taking my complaint seriously.

    Anil, these are the same numbers I found on the original web site and on the Ryan Campaign site...tried them again in good faith.

    What I may end up doing is cut my losses.  My Eurail pass arrived yesterday, and I figured out how I could get from Bari to Veneto with the time table they forwarded.

  • I have flown RyanAir and had no problems, but I've heard too many stories from other people who did. See this complaints resource group:

  • Thanks, Anil. And thanks, Elyse, for raising this issue. Pretty infuriating.

    Airline writer Christine Negroni suggests emailing .

  • Ryan Air (I shake my head) 

    Try these numbers and see if helps -  +353 1 812-1100 +353 1 812-1212

  • This is the error message I am getting

    You are unable to change your flight due to one of the following reasons:

    1)You have a Spanish Discount in your booking
    2)You are flying on a Domestic Route.

    Please contact our call centre to complete your flight change request.

    Maybe should I call their italian line? My concern is I don't speak italian

  • Thanks for the speedy reply, Anil,

    I did in fact go on this link and try to change Brindisi to Bari, but I got an error message telling me my only option was to call a customer service line--some lame excuse that I could not change a reservation involving two places in the same country. From there, I did research online and found a group of unhappy British travelers who set up a web site for people upset with Ryanair.  They listed several PR execs, so I wrote them with similar information to see if anybody would bite.  The Ryan Campaign group also listed numbers, but as the site is from 2011 or so, this info may not be updated.

    I will PM you first thing in the morning if I do not get a response and I am unable to get through on the numbers.


  • First, did you try this link ? The LCC (Low Cost Carriers) in that part of the world, make southwest an jetblue look like full service airline. 

    Phone numbers unfortunately not easily obtainable. If you do not get the numbers by morning, PM me.

  • Boy did I screw up.  I booked a flight on RyanAir at the advice of a friend, and did not realize what an unfriendly obnoxious airline this ways.  I booked a short flight between Brindisi and Venice on June 14 thinking that even with its reputation, I could tolerate an hour flight.


    Due to a mistake the tour planner for the Italian Press trip I will be on made (failing to send me the correct itinerary), I booked and paid for a flight departing from Brindisi to Veneto/Termino/Venice, and just found out I have been referring to the wrong schedule and need to change my flight to one departing from Bari to Venice on the 14th.  I need to call or contact somebody to change this.I tried to change this on line but the system won't let me and the phone numbers on the web site do not work for US callers. Next, I learned what most Europeans already know...these rude folks intentionally post NO emails on the site and they have phone numbers that cost 59 cents a minute and they keep you on hold forever.

    I read on the Ryanair site that All Ryanair flights are fully changeable but cannot be cancelled--I need to change my flight from a Brindisi departure to a Bari departure on June 14. I am sure they will charge me an arm and a leg to do this, but I am kind of screwed.

    If anybody can provide any kind of contact (i.e. an email that is unpublished; a phone number that connects to a live person) with Ryanair, I would appreciate it.

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