Barbados's new marketing slogan

MMG is marketing Barbados Tourism Authority now. The new slogan is LONG LIVE LIFE. An old slogan was a 7 syllable song, GOODNESS GRACIOUS BARBADOS.   That doesn't sound like much but it's stuck in my head for years. Is the new slogan catchy enough to have that staying power?

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  • I like your new slogan. My preference for your old one is the fact that your name is included so the association is not doubted at all. Even though it is cute rather than sleek. I think the new one will take more branding time but it will work with sufficient time allowed and social networking.

    My comments are from the perspective of someone who had a successful advertising and marketing firm that I sold 20 years ago. Possibly somewhat outdated, but since I'm an active journalist, I don't feel too much off target.
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