Making your buck, quid, euro, etc. go further has never been more important in these times. Fortunately there are still tons of strategies for taking off -- whether you're a student, a senior, or somewhere in between -- without landing in the poorhouse.

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A tribute to my friend, the late budget travel icon icon Arthur Frommer

  The legendary U.S. travel journalist and entrepreneur Arthur Frommer passed away November 18 at the age of 95. Born in Virginia and with an early boyhood in a small town in Missouri, Arthur was a lawyer who became a pioneering and great travel journalist, and who will be remembered as having helped open the joys of travel to the masses. While serving in the U.S. Army in Europe in the 1950s, he got the travel bug, came out with a travel guide for servicemen, and followed up in 1957 with Europe…

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Flying Smarter: 10 Money-Saving Tips for Budget Travelers

    Airfares in 2024 have been a something of a mixed bag - generally down to/from/within Europe and the United States, but pricier when it comes to Africa and parts of Asia, as well as the Middle East and South America. Regardless, to make the most of your travel budget and leave you more for enjoying destinations once you get there, here are a handful of proven strategies read post  

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A cool lighthouse hostel on a northern California road trip

  Frank Schulnberg Located close to both San Francisco and Silicon Valley, Half Moon Bay provides scenic roads, ocean views, golfing, fishing, horse back riding and much more. In the area there are several beaches, including Moss and Pigeon Point Beach, as well as great trails such as Gray Whale Cove Trail and Coastside Trail. One of the famous sights in the area is the Pigeon Point Lighthouse, one of the tallest in the US, now home to a hostel. read post  

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6 tips for finding cheap airline tickets

  Travelers who are passionate about wandering to new destinations often put a hold on their exploration owing to expenses. In order to fulfill all their travel wishes, and to save money for their next trips, they need to cut down flight expenses. If your someone who wants to save on travels, cutting down on flight booking cost is one of the ways to reduce your expenses. Flight tickets costs vary depending on the day of the week, time of the week, and holidays. Follow these simple tricks to…

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  • This Thursday, Feb.25, from 12-1pm/ EST, LET'S TRAVEL! Radio visits ISTANBUL, a World Heritage site.Joining us will be a duo of Turkish singers who will offer us a medley of Turkish songs; presidents of two of the leading Turkish-American societies will will discuss Turkish customs and traditions; a world-trav...eler who visits ISTANBUL every quarter, who knows the city on an intimate basis, and a chef/owner of one of New York's "best-kept secrets." ISTANBUL-2010 EUROPEAN CAPITAL of CULTURE will be repeated on Sat.,6-7pm/EST, and again on Monday and Wednesday following. A podcast of the show appears this weekend on
  • Is Motel 6 the new standard for haute design?
  • Latest Book By The Bargainomics Lady Shows How To Stretch Your Dollars And Still Travel In Style

    January 26, 2010

    ( What is the least crowded week to visit Disney World? Which websites help you find the cheapest airplane tickets? Where can you find true travel bargains?

    Judy Woodward Bates, known as “The Bargainomics Lady” ( to audiences everywhere through her books, conferences, personal appearances, and radio and television guest appearances, as well as her regular segments on Fox-6 TV in Birmingham, has the answers. Bates writes about ferreting out travel bargains, among other money-saving topics, in her latest book, Bargainomics: Money Management by the Book.

    Full of practical advice for stretching your dollars for travel, entertaining, and shopping, among other topics, the 255-page book picks up where Bates’ The Gospel Truth about Money Management left off: with 18 info-packed chapters of easy-to-implement ways to reduce spending and find the best bargains on practically anything. Included are money-saving recipes, websites, and phone numbers for health care discounts and assistance, tips on understanding and improving credit scores, and more – all directing readers to top budget-minded sources.

    A highly-sought speaker, Bates shares her proven tactics for becoming better money managers in Bargainomics: Money Management by the Book: Finding Money; Simple Ways to Make Extra Money; When, Where and How to Shop; and taming “The Debt Monster.” Bates’ books offer hope to readers that they can economize through the art of shopping for bargains – while still enjoying personal pampering and luxury travel.

    Judy Woodward Bates, “The Bargainomics Lady,” is the author of several books, including The Gospel Truth about Money Management, Blessedly Budgeted Women’s Events, and her latest, Bargainomics: Money Management by the Book, which retails for US$12.99. A freelance writer, speaker, and TV personality, her name has become synonymous with the practice of Biblical money management. For more information on her books or to schedule Bates as a speaker, visit her website at .
  • Act ASAP! There probably won't be as many deals in 2010 as 2009!
  • Top Ten budget destinations for 2010:
  • John! Is that you again? We have to stop meeting like this!! LOL
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