Making your buck, quid, euro, etc. go further has never been more important in these times. Fortunately there are still tons of strategies for taking off -- whether you're a student, a senior, or somewhere in between -- without landing in the poorhouse.

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Flying Smarter: 10 Money-Saving Tips for Budget Travelers

    Airfares in 2024 have been a something of a mixed bag - generally down to/from/within Europe and the United States, but pricier when it comes to Africa and parts of Asia, as well as the Middle East and South America. Regardless, to make the most of your travel budget and leave you more for enjoying destinations once you get there, here are a handful of proven strategies read post  

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A cool lighthouse hostel on a northern California road trip

  Frank Schulnberg Located close to both San Francisco and Silicon Valley, Half Moon Bay provides scenic roads, ocean views, golfing, fishing, horse back riding and much more. In the area there are several beaches, including Moss and Pigeon Point Beach, as well as great trails such as Gray Whale Cove Trail and Coastside Trail. One of the famous sights in the area is the Pigeon Point Lighthouse, one of the tallest in the US, now home to a hostel. read post  

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6 tips for finding cheap airline tickets

  Travelers who are passionate about wandering to new destinations often put a hold on their exploration owing to expenses. In order to fulfill all their travel wishes, and to save money for their next trips, they need to cut down flight expenses. If your someone who wants to save on travels, cutting down on flight booking cost is one of the ways to reduce your expenses. Flight tickets costs vary depending on the day of the week, time of the week, and holidays. Follow these simple tricks to…

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Budget options included in '7 Great Amsterdam Lodgings in Various Price Ranges'

  Bunk Hotel As you'd expect, one of Europe's most tourist-popular cities offers a wide and high-quality range of accommodations, from low-budget to very high-end indeed. And our team has put together a varied selection of Dutch treats based on social media and other customer reviews and ratings, blogger picks, and hospitality standards (and all, by the way, include high-speed WiFi in your rate), our team follows a specific research module keeping all reviews in a single platform. read post  

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  • We wrap up this week's trip report to Kern County and Bakersfield with tule elk, wildflowers, nightlife, ice cream, and a windy baseball game...too windy! With new pics and video at The World on Wheels:
  • It's music day here at The World on Wheels. Today's Travel Tune finds Dwight Yoakam and Buck Owens singing about this week's destination. One of my favorite songs:
    Travel Tunes - Week 25
    Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Djh57 under CC-BY license Did you know that a big branch of country music is based in Bakersfield?  Some liken i...
  • Do you have a place you go to that no one else knows about? We do. You are going to think we've gone off the deep end but, seriously, this is one of the funnest places for us to go for a quick getaway. New trip report, pics, and video today at The World on Wheels:
  • Wheelchair hiking? At most places, that means an extended sidewalk around a state park's parking lot. There are a few places, though, where a wheelchair can really get back to nature. On Monday, we featured a beaver pond trail near Redding, California. Tomorrow, we'll be featuring a superb accessible mountain and river trail in California's Gold Country. Today, we feature 8 wheelchair accessible hiking trails in Southern and Central California ranging from urban hills to remote sequoia groves. It's all at The World on Wheels:
  • Driving in London is just a bad idea. Tube, bus, taxi, or walk...anything is better than driving and paying the congestion charge. We have a new London Transit Report now online at The World on Wheels:
    How about a new transit report? OK, here's London... Picture courtesy of Wikimedia Nevilley under CC-BY-SA license You definitely do NOT wa...
  • The final chapter of Tim's Trip Planning 101 series is now online at The World on Wheels. He's been planning a baseball trip to Ohio and Missouri. Take a look at just what it takes to plan a trip with a wheelchair:
    Trip Planning 101 – The Final Chapter
    See the previous installments: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Our Midwest baseball trip is coming together at a fast and furious pace...
  • Our "go to" hotel for the Napa Valley, the Flamingo Resort, is having a Spring Break special starting at $89:
    Promo code: SPRINGB

    See our report, complete with a video of the room there, here:
  • Taking a break from all the driving, today is music day on our Route 66 journey.
    Travel Tunes - Week 17
    Of course, for our Route 66 week, you know what's coming... In 1995, the City of Duarte, California , kicked off its first Route 66 Parade...
  • Route 66 Week starts right now at The World on Wheels. We're doing an in-depth look at the relatively unknown western portion of the road going through Southern California. We start off with a trip report at .
    The World on Wheels
    An ongoing adventure of travel and living while using a wheelchair. Tim has been disabled from birth. Darryl is his father and caregiver who travel…
  • This Thursday, Feb.25, from 12-1pm/ EST, LET'S TRAVEL! Radio visits ISTANBUL, a World Heritage site.Joining us will be a duo of Turkish singers who will offer us a medley of Turkish songs; presidents of two of the leading Turkish-American societies will will discuss Turkish customs and traditions; a world-trav...eler who visits ISTANBUL every quarter, who knows the city on an intimate basis, and a chef/owner of one of New York's "best-kept secrets." ISTANBUL-2010 EUROPEAN CAPITAL of CULTURE will be repeated on Sat.,6-7pm/EST, and again on Monday and Wednesday following. A podcast of the show appears this weekend on
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