Truly a one-of-a-kind place, pioneered by Mormons & christened Deseret, its appeal lies in outdoor adventures (including lots of skiing) & dramatic desert vistas. Salt Lake City has historic sites aplenty -- & these days even a bit of a hip scene!

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A sojourn in singular Salt Lake City

    Founded by Mormons in 1847 in the Salt Lake Valley amid the Wasatch Mountains, the capital and largest city of Utah (population around 200,000, metro area 1.3 million) is a singular place indeed, and visitors flock to see Salt Lake City's impressive landmarks as well as enjoy its culture and nearby nature and outdoor activities.   read post

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Zion National Park cited in '7 Gorgeous Glamping Destinations'

How beautiful to imagine yourself in a camp locates in a glorious camp surrounded by beautiful environs. Singing and romancing on cold nights sitting around the fireside, staring on the stars in silent surroundings listening to the sounds of little creatures, basking on the lavish mattress, all that makes you dream to discover what camping in the glorious destinations of the world means. Morocco was the first place where I got the idea to experience the difference of international "glamping" -…

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Park City cited in '6 top winter resorts of the USA's Rocky Mountains'

Speaking to my fellow Europeans, if you’ve gone skiing or snowboarding on the Continent but not yet in North America, you’re in for a real treat. Welcome to an unexpected world in which everyone seems to be intent upon you having a good time. Take ski school for example - in Europe, some still have the attitude “You are here to learn first, have fun second.” Whilst in North America it’s the other way around. For this is a world where “standing in line” (queuing) has been raised to a virtual…

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Salt Lake City & Fairview in 'Beyond Skiing/Snowboarding: 9 Winter Adrenaline Pumpers'

When it comes to winter activities, skiing and snowboarding (and to a lesser extent ice skating) understandably get most of the attention. But these days an increasing number of people are experiencing awesome winter holidays without sliding down a mountain on one or two planks. So if you’re a non skier/snowboarder, travelling with one, or just want to add some extra zing to your mountain fling, check out these nine thrilling alternatives – some of them fit for all ages – others a whole lot…

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  • Thanks Vintage. I like backcountry skiing, so that's why I'm thinking Canyons.
  • David, the Canyons is an amazing resort, and very under rated compared to Deer valley, Park City and several of the other close-by resorts.
  • Utah's been starring on the Tripatini blog lately! Check out recent posts on hiking hijinks in Zion National Park and stargazing in Arches National Park.
  • Planning ski trip to Park City and learned that The Canyons has new enclosed lift with heated seats. That will feel good ! ! !
  • There are ghosts on the mesa! A classic trip to Mesa Verde National Park, now online at The World on Wheels: .
  • Another Olympic city trip report is on tap for today. The home of the 2002 winter games, Salt Lake City grew into one of the great Olympic scandals. Come along for the ride:
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