One of America's most historic states, it ranges from the urban flair (and grit) of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh to the bucolic beauties of the Poconos, Dutch Country, and Bucks County. And for history, Philly and Gettysburg! are absolute bucket-listers.

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Longwood Gardens in 'Spring Has Sprung & U.S. Gardens Await Discovery'

Spring is here, and summer's already around the corner!  If you’re a flower gardener - and the National Gardening Association estimates that members of over a third of U.S. households are - you already may have begun to till soil and plant seeds. And those who like to travel as well as garden (as well as those who enjoy gardens more by watching than working), now is time to plan a trip to take in some of Mother Nature’s bountiful beauty. Gardens come in a variety of types, sizes and offerings.…

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Deerfield Retreat & Spa in the Pocono Mountains

Admittedly, I'd never heard of Lo-Wei, a unique exercise class that combines yoga, strength training and flexibility that stretched my body in ways my mind never thought possible. But it is only one of almost three dozen fitness classes, all part of the dawn-to-dusk workout, weight loss, and education focus of the one-of-a-kind, all-inclusive Deerfield Health Retreat and Spa in East Stroudsburg, in the Poconos Mountains of Pennsylvania, where my friend Kathy and I spent three nights a while…

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Kinzua Sky Walk cited in 'In the USA this Fall, Combine Foliage with Adventure'

Dan and Mary Stroudt oooh and aaah at the multicolored scenery below the hot air balloon in which they’re riding. The journey is very different for Mark and Marylee Sutherland as they help to paddle a rubber raft along a stretch of whitewater in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Betsy Goodman and Tom Cross are traveling at a slower pace, strolling across a glass-bottom observation deck. These disparate experiences may seem to have little in common, but they do. They provide…

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  • Pat and the kids want to ski Camelback Friday Christmas Eve. Free if you dress like Santa elves or raindeer.   Have any of you done this?

  • Hey Allie if you belong to tripatini you're not an old lady. When we were up in Philly visiting family my wife dragged me on one of those galleries walks. I didnt want to go because I don't like modern art but there was all kinds of stuff some of it really good and we had a good time. All ages were there too.
  • My girlfriends want me go on a Philadelphia gallery tour with them on the evening of November 5th. I have not done this at night. Have any of you? Will we be the only old ladies out on the town?
  • Allie, To help with your leaf peeping planning check out our weekly foliage report published every Tuesday afternoon. It will offer some good drives to make.
  • Can't give u details Allie, but remember that the NE was in drought much of summer. Recent rains helped but in higher elevations some trees went green to brown. Drive along riverbanks and lakeshores for guarantee color.
  • Sunday will be beautiful in Bucks County, so we will go for a ride. Where would you go for foliage? After all these years, we have our favorite places, but I am open to suggestions!
  • Allie, I just confirmed what you wrote below. The part that surprised me was not that PA ranks #5 in tourism, but that Guv Rendell would be able to spend another $5+ million on anything. How much heat will he take for that ?
  • Governor Rendell has agreed to inject $5,400,000 into the tourism sector. He is doing this because Pennsylvania is the fifth-most visited state in the United States. I did not know that ! But I do know that we get many visitors in the Philadelphia area, where I live, and we will all be happy about this stimulus !
  • Can't blame you, Darryl. Even the dog turns orange in autumn.
  • Love the fall color, wish I could be on that side of the country during the next month.
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