Apart from news and views on media covering tourism, travel, and hospitality, writers, editors, photogs, and bloggers share tips, leads, ideas, news, gripes. PR reps/journos ISO press releases/trips, see also "PR/Marketing." Opinions stated are not necessarily those of Tripatini.
A tribute to my friend, the late travel media icon Arthur Frommer
The legendary U.S. travel journalist and entrepreneur Arthur Frommer passed away November 18 at the age of 95. Born in Virginia and with an early boyhood in a small town in Missouri, Arthur was a lawyer who became a pioneering and great travel journalist, and who will be remembered as having helped open the joys of travel to the masses. While serving in the U.S. Army in Europe in the 1950s, he got the travel bug, came out with a travel guide for servicemen, and followed up in 1957 with…
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I get invitations all the time for events in New York, Montreal and Toronto. Those are two-hours, one-hour and 1.5-hours by air away.
For Reykjavik I'd ask if they planned to provide an e-ticket or will they courier a paper one to the office? Given how much drinks costs in Reykjavik, if it's an open bar I'd consider it. :-)
Seriously Ed? Are you in Iceland?? How do they expect you to get there? More likely...they are trying to bulk up their list of sent list....knowing darn well, most won't be able to attend. It's also the lack of qualified PR people who actually know where writers are. NOW...if they are going to fly you out...that's a different story.
Question about an invitation to a cocktail reception:
I just got invited to a press event that's this Friday. Short notice, but that's not the deal-breaker. What strikes me is that the cocktail reception is in Reykjavik. Somebody please de-confuse me: How does this happen?
My top 8 unforgettable moments in India
Help me fill out this survey to better understand the mindset of a traveler: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ZLD3L3F
Interview with Alexandra Kovacova of crazysexyfuntraveler
I have published yet another ebook called, "Essential Hindi Words And Phrases For Travelers To India". Those who want a copy for free in exchange for a review kindly get in touch. You can read more about the ebook on myblog.
Are freelance writers human?
To all of us who've ever sat around waiting for a check, here's a post to help you while away the time. http://www.tripatini.com/profiles/blogs/freelancewriterquiz
Interview with travelers Samantha and Yeison of mytanfeet.
My book, "India Travel Survival Guide For Women" is now in paperback. http://www.shalusharma.com/india-travel-survival-guide-for-women-pa...