The birthplace of Mark Twain and Harry Truman offers nature (especially in the Ozarks); frontier, Civil War, and other history; country music (Branson); and big cities like St. Louis and Kansas City.

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German heritage in Hermann in '7 Swell Spots to Travel the World Without Leaving the USA'

At this time of limited travel, if you live in the United States it may be less easy visit other countries on your bucket list. But thanks to the USA's longstanding history of immigration, there's plenty of international culture, cuisine, and customs that can be experienced right here at home. Notable among them are the various Chinatowns in New York City, San Francisco, and elsewhere, And here are five other destinations whose ethnic enclaves will transport you to foreign shores. read post

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Branson offers fun & frivolity in a pastoral setting

As our car crested the last hill overlooking the town ahead, I rubbed my eyes to make sure they weren’t deceiving me. The first thing I spotted was a giant King Kong clambering menacingly up a building. Another roof was topped by a helicopter which appeared to have just landed or was about to take off. Among other hard-to believe visions that came into view were a huge chicken, an equally oversize fork piercing a large meatball and a half-size replica of the Titanic nestled against the iceberg…

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Branson options cited in 'In the USA this Fall, Combine Foliage with Adventure'

Dan and Mary Stroudt oooh and aaah at the multicolored scenery below the hot air balloon in which they’re riding. The journey is very different for Mark and Marylee Sutherland as they help to paddle a rubber raft along a stretch of whitewater in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Betsy Goodman and Tom Cross are traveling at a slower pace, strolling across a glass-bottom observation deck. These disparate experiences may seem to have little in common, but they do. They provide…

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3 cool things to do in Missouri

A Midwestern state between Kansas and Kentucky, Missouri is covered in grassy levels that go for miles that comparison versus the high tops of the Ozark Mountains. A number of cities populate Missouri and are full of fantastic attractions, like the National World War I Museum in Kansas City, or the Gateway Arch in St. Louis. Nevertheless, there is plenty of nature to balance out the city bustle, such as stunning state parks and other hideaways among the many things to do in Missouri. Here are…

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  • Traveling thru Arkansas?  Know you are safe with us..all rooms are on the interior of building & each floor has security cameras on each end of hall.  Not to mention security cameras threw out the building inside & out!  Check out our Virtual Tour!  See for yourself!

  • We were in the Southwest terminal, can't remember the number...2? Anyway, we double the entire terminal, in the secure zone, there are 4 toilets...not bathrooms...for each sex. There are 3 snack carts with a small selection of food and drink. Before security, there are the usual shops, restaurants, and restrooms. This is particularly bad if you're in a wheelchair because the airlines want you to show up an extra hour earlier than everyone else to tag the chair, make sure you qualify for preboard, etc.

    I can see where it would be super-convenient for arrival, but least at Southwest...can be a chore. Talking with other people who have experienced leaving from MCI, I know I'm not alone in my opinion.

    The rental car facility is top-notch, however. And the city of KC itself is great. Didn't see the forest, I had an aisle seat.
  • Darryl - I'm not sure which of the three terminals you were flying out of at KCI, but all three have been updated with restrooms inside security. I fear that some less than helpful TSA person did not direct you properly.
    Those of us who fly out of KCI on a regular basis love it for its quick, conveniet access to the curb. I often arrive for my flight no more than 45 minutes prior to departure, and usually after landing, I'm in my car and heading home in less than 10 minutes.
    I'm sorry you didn't get the full picture of KCI. Perhaps as you departed, you looked down to the southwest and saw the Heart Forest, a 22-acre landscape of concentric hearts in various blooming trees, welcoming all to the Heartland of America.
  • Admittedly, not the most exciting city for public transit but the one I have the most recent experience with...check out our new Transit Report for Kansas City today on The World on Wheels:
  • Planning on being in St. Louis anytime soon? Although it's a pretty simple setup, the city has a decent transit scheme. Today on The World on Wheels, take a look at our brand new St. Louis Transit Report:
  • As we travel from Cincinnati on our way to St. Louis on our baseball tour, let's take a break for some music. Today's Travel Tune at The World on Wheels let's us know that there's nothing like the view from the cheap seats:
  • It will be a little while before I can get the full reports together, but if you'd like to see the highlights (and a couple of disappointments) from our recent Midwest Baseball Tour, go to this link at The World on Wheels:
  • The final chapter of Tim's Trip Planning 101 series is now online at The World on Wheels. He's been planning a baseball trip to Ohio and Missouri. Take a look at just what it takes to plan a trip with a wheelchair:
    Trip Planning 101 – The Final Chapter
    See the previous installments: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Our Midwest baseball trip is coming together at a fast and furious pace...
  • Check out this week's featured Tripatini blog post on the jazz scene in Kansas City!
  • Planning a baseball stadium tour? So are we. Starting in Cincinnati and ending in Kansas City. Part 4 of our Trip Planning 101 series is now online:
    TRIP PLANNING 101 - Part 4
    NOTE: Tim is in charge of planning our next big trip.  It's a baseball stadium tour working towards his goal of visiting every major league ...
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