Ultimate Africa Travel plan  for  Mount Kenya climbing.Mount kenya is an extinct volcano know to the Kikuyu peole as Kirinyaga, the palce of light. when through its veil of mistlike clouds you first see the imposing mountain silhouted against the African sky. The venerated mountain rises majestically from a vast, broad base 80km in diameter. From far, it's distinguished by it's rugged glacier-clad twin peaks, Batian ( 5,199m ) and Nelion (not far behind, at 5,188m). The truth is that Africa's second highest mountain mount kenya trekking tours is worthy of up-close exploration. Its Afro-alpine moorlands and bamboo forests are shot climbing-mount-kenya.jpgmount%20kenya_mountkenya_spacer_0000.gifthrough with glacial moraines and ice-blue tarns, and it slopes diverse ecosystems support a rich variety of wildlife, not to mention some of the most unusual plant life you've ever laid eyes on. The mountain maybe Kenya's spiritual and physical heartland, but it possess good looks and fascinating details to match.
Below this imposing rocky peaks, the lushly covered slopes are inhabited by bands of cheeky sykesm and colobus monkeys, and it's common to spot elephants, rhinos, and buffalos while out on a hike more than good reason to take ample precautions and a knowlegeable mountain guide when trekking mount kenya this formidable mount kenya trekking tours.

5 Days Mount Kenya Trekking - Sirimon – Chogoria Route

Day 1 : Nairobi- Nanyuki

Leave Nairobi accompanied by our mountain guide arriving at Nanyuki in time for lunch. Afternoon is spent in Nanyuki acclimatizing and walking a long the mount kenya region visiting the mau mau caves, where the freedom fighters use to hide during the 2nd world war. Dinner and overnight in a hotel in Nanyuki.

Day 2 :Nanyuki- Old Moses camp

After breakfast, drive to the sirimon park gate and begin your 5 hours hike to Old Moses Camp, 3,330m above sea level for meals and overnight at the hut.

Day 3: Old Moses Camp- Shipton Camp

After breakfast, walk from Old Moses camp via Mackinders Valley to Shipton Hut (4,200m). Dinner and overnight at the camp.

Day 4: Shipton Point- Lenana- Mintos Hut- Chogoria Bandas

Wake up very early in the morning around 2.30 hours ready to hike to point Lenana (4,985m). on a clear day, we should be able to see Mt. Kilimanjaro to the south, Mt. Elgon to the west and the Indian Ocean to the East. After point Lenana, descend to Mintos (4,250m) for breakfast then proceed to Road-head for lunch and then to chogoria Bandas for dinner and overnight.


Day 5: Chogoria Bandas-Nairobi

After breakfast, an early walk will take us to Chogoria gate thssen to Chogoria town for lunch and transfer back to Nairobi arriving in the late afternoon having conquered Mt. Kenya.


THE   PRICE    PER  PERSON    IS     USD  650




-Transport based on our customized seven-seater safari Vehicle with specially modified suspension, full-length photographic roof hatches and seats designed with seat belt and all clients are guaranteed window seats.
-All game Park Entrance fees
-All Camping Fees
-Accommodation offered in tent.
-Three meals a day while on Safari
- Airport picks up on arrival in Nairobi.
- Use of our Professional Driver Guide.


- Personal items e.g. pocket money
- Extras , e.g. drinks such as sodas,beers,mineral water etc.
- International flight fare
- Tips to Driver Guides



Diana Kawira (Ms)
Tour Consultant
Ultimate Africa Travel Ltd
Nairobi International Youth Hostel
Ralph Bunche Road, Upper Hill Nairobi
+254 20 2726011/+254 20 2711217
Fax : +254 20 2726011
Mobile : +254 729209662

A Proud Member Of:
Kenya Association of Tour Operators (KATO)
Membership Number PR/459
Office Working hours:
Monday to Friday: 07:30hrs - 17:00hrs
Saturday: 08:00hrs - 16:00hrs






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