If we are talking about environment, we can say June is the most important month of the year regarding conservation and environment issues. Actually, June is called “the environmental month” This month, we celebrate:



• June 5th: World Environment Day: In a world where the ice caps melt and contribute to the rise of sea levels and the oceans become more acid causing damage to marine species, in this 2014 the slogan "Raise your voice, not the sea level" urges us to do something to stop climate change. 


• June 08th: World Day of the Ocean: Since 2009 World Oceans Day is celebrated on June 8th. It was designated to create global awareness of the challenges faced by the international community related to the oceans. In 2013 & 2014, the theme chosen to mark this important day is "Together we have the power to protect the ocean."


• June 17 and June 18: First one is the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought and the other one is the global day against incineration. Both equally important and related, first one is concerned about the change of fertile soils that have suffered due to human activity and have become arid soils and the other is related to the burning of waste and garbage and discharge of toxic waste from this activity.



At Horizontes, additionally to prepare the most fascinating itineraries for travelers, we also support the environmentalists efforts made nationally and globally. We have been certified 3 times in a row with the highest level of CST (Sustainable Tourism Certification) and each of our itineraries includes a visit of least 2 protected areas in Costa Rica , also we provide to our travelers the opportunity to compensate carbon emissions of their travel. Would you like to do it? Ask us how! You can reach us at info@horizontes.com www.horizontes.com or via Skype at horizontesnaturetours


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