Visit Vietnam terraced fields with Vietnam Airlines

Vietnam airlines wants to share with you another impressive sight in Vietnam called terraced field. This agricultural model is applied in mountainous areas of Vietnam where most of the land is surrounded by hills and mountains, local ethnic minority people can still take advantages of the steep terrain to pump water from higher place to lower one, so granite rock and mountain cliffs are fertilized. Terracing allows the tough land to support the need for crops, livestock and poultry of local people and improve their lives. Other features of terraced fields is to avoid erosion by preserving rain and runoff water in the ladders. Moreover, used-to-be unused hillside became arable thanks to terraced agriculture.


In Vietnam, terraced field not only provides way to produce for local people but also create a special beautiful landscape. The best season to marvel at the beauty of terraced fields in Vietnam is autumn, from middle of September to the beginning of October in Western calendar. This is the time rice is ready to be harvested, the whole fields color changes into yellow. A large area from the foot to nearly top of mountains covered in a citrine color becomes such an appealing scenery. Some most famous terraced fields in mountainous areas of Vietnam can be mentioned as Mu Cang Chai (Yen Bai province), Sapa, Hoang Su Phi.


Specially, US magazine Travel and Leisure chose Sapa terraced fields as one of seven most impressive fields in Asia. Terraced fields in Mu Cang Chai were titled national heritage by Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism in 2007. Hoang Su Phi was also recognized as nation cultural relics in 2012. Nowadays, there are more and more visitors come to northwestern areas in autumn to witness how fascinating it is in real eyes. Especially, a lot of foreigners are attracted by the charm of this region. Many of them take flight to vietnam every year to enjoy the spectacular beauty of peaceful nature here.

Please visit Vietnamairlines to read more travel guides and have information about vietnam flights to these beautiful spots.


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