Some translators believe that they can only translate into their native language. For example, an American who has mastered the French language feels more comfortable with providing French to English translation services than translating a text into the French language. Even the ones who have earned advanced degrees in translation from top schools still believe that they should not translate from English into French. They regard native French speakers as better candidates for clients who seek French translation services. A percentage of American translators who have lived and studied in France do translate both ways but prefer to have a native French speaker proofread their work. Translators who speak French as their mother tongue can spot any phrases or sentences that do not sound natural. They can also check the wording to make sure the translation flows well. At times a sentence structure feels correct to a native English speaker while it sounds awkward to a native French speaking reader. This extra step ensures that clients who need professional translation for French receive high-quality work that they expect. Some American translators are fully confident in their abilities to carry out English to French translation services and deliver such impressive translations that even a translator from France could not replicate. Such translations are usually completed by experienced translators who have participated in language and culture immersion programs in France. Furthermore, they have a deep understanding of the French grammar, idioms, and vocabulary.

Being an American has not impeded such individuals from competing with translators who are native French speakers. Translators who can provide French to English translation services as well as English to French translations are considered true professionals. They possess an in-depth knowledge of both languages and can assist a higher percentage of clients who contact them. It is easier for translation companies to collaborate with translators who can translate both ways. It is less time-consuming for translation companies to store your information and contact you if you can translate from and into your native language. With all these points made, there are still some advantages associated with translating one way only. For instance, translators in the United States who specialize in French to English translation services can help international students who need their academic documents obtained from a French school to be translated into English. Therefore, they rarely receive inquiries about English to French translation services. Translators who specialize in one way translations can increase their efficiency, handle more projects, and reduce their prices. They can be more competitive in the industry by offering high-value services.     

California Center for Translation & Interpretation

10940 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1600

 Los Angeles, CA 90024

(310) 584-7481

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