Thailand Water Filter Construction

Hi All;

I’d like to share an interesting opportunity with you, and invite you to join us.  In December this year we are planning a trip to Thailand to provide assistance to low-income families there who desperately need access to potable water. 

 As you are probably aware, throughout the world about 250 people (mostly children) die every hour of every day from drinking contaminated water.  We plan to change this statistic - in Thailand, at least - by helping to teach about the construction, operation, and maintenance of simple and affordable family water filters. We will be using a very straightforward plan to construct biosand filters, relying on the lowest form of technology available – bacteria – to purify the water.  The plans we use (from CAWST in Calgary, Alberta, Canada – are shown to be simple, economical, and highly effective. 

 Each year the news is filled with dismal reports of the flooding in Thailand and this year is expected to be the same as it has been in the past. 

"We" are Volunteer Voyages LLC and they are arranging all of the details of the trip.  Our website is  Our approach to these kinds of projects is to spend one week (out of two) working directly with the people, to establish the project, teach, demonstrate, and get the first filters up and running.  The second week we'll become tourists, since we are in the neighborhood, and see some of the incredible sights Thailand has to offer – and to spend a few days on the beach, of course. It's not a bad place to finish up your Christmas shopping, either.

You won't need special skills to join this project - just be willing to work, get your hands dirty, and enjoy meeting and working with these wonderful people.  We'll teach you everything you need to know about building these filters. 

 Please look at your calendar and try to join us in this important adventure.  Your participation can mean so much – to everyone. Email me soon.


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