“Sandeep Marwah has been a source of inspiration for many media persons who has done ample for the country. He has brought many laurels to the Nation. He deserves much bigger awards” said Arun Sharma President Media Federation of India on the occasion of 7th Media Excellence Awards at FICCI Auditorium at New Delhi.“Declaring International Day of Journalism on 12th February, Launching First Ever Global Festival of Journalism in Asia, formation of International Journalism Centre and 16 hours Radio Noida for the community are just few of his contributions to World of Journalism” added Prakash Asthana Secretary Media Federation of India introducing Marwah.“I am happy that federation could note down my hard work and efforts in the field of journalism. I am much obliged to the federation for calling me here as Guest of Honor” expressed Sandeep Marwah emotionally. The event was attended by who’s who of media from all segments.
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