We have found some more tips how to sooth your skin if you have got sunburned. Cooling the skin also works as a great pain reliever and helps you and your skin to relax
Take an oatmeal bath:
Add two cups of oatmeal to the bottom of a nylon sock. Tie up the sock, and let warm water pour over the pouch. Leave pouch in tub as you bathe.
Another Sunburn Healing Bath:
Fill a handkerchief tied with string or a muslin teabag with the following:
1/4 cup rolled oats
1/8 cup whole milk powder
1 teaspoon tea leaves, green or black
3 drops lavender essential oil
2 drops peppermint essential oil
Run a tepid to cool bath and soak along with this bath bag. Use it as a compress to spread healing, cooling relief all over.
Apply yoghurt to burnt skin and leave on for about 20 minutes to soothe the pain.
Drink plenty of water and peppermint tea to keep your body cool and hydrated.
What also works well but might hurt a bit when you apply it to the sunburn is lemon juice. Squeeze a lemon and add some water to it. This form of lemon juice works as a disinfectant that soothes the pain and promotes healing of the skin.
Natural After Suntan oil : To make your skin healthy again after a sunburn and to protect it from further damage, try applying a combination of the following oils, which is very effective to keep your skin moist and supple. Use equal amounts of all the ingredients, shake well and store in a cool place.
Apricot Kernel Oil is nutrient rich and nourishes the skin in depth without leaving an oily feeling. It contains essential fatty acids as well as Vitamins A, B and E.
Carrot Seed Oil has many properties and is particularly rich in vitamin A and help to keep the skin firm.
Jojoba Oil has a composition very close to the sebum of the skin. It is an excellent external moisturizer, helps prevent dryness, and rejuvenates the skin through new cell growth.