Wat (6)

Siem Reap Tourism Attractions, Cambodia


Siem Reap is the most fascinating and attractive corner of Cambodia, as well as the gateway to discover magnificent Angkor Wat – the world’s most renowned heritage. Siem Reap has much more to be explored such as colonial architecture in the Old French Quarter, museums, traditional Apsara performances, unique Cambodian Phare Circus, Cambodian cultural village, souvenir and handicraft shops, silk farms, rice-paddies of the countryside, fishing villages and bird sanctuary, waterfalls and the floati

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Cambodia Popular Tourist Attractions

Cambodia-Map-V2-582x262.png?profile=RESIZE_710xhttps://www.triplekangkor.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Cambodia-Map-V2-582x262-300x135.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 495px) 100vw, 495px" width="495" height="223" />

Cambodia is small gorgeous country to be explored a in the Southeast Asia. There are a lot of such beautiful things to do and visit while indulgently soaking in Cambodia’s ancestral Angkor temples, historical masterpieces as well as its rich cultures. From the magnificent Angkor complex to the largest fresh water lake in the Asia, t
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Siem Reap Province of Cambodia

9009440261?profile=originalSiem Reap is the significant tourist destination in Cambodia, 320km from Phnom Penh Capital with short flight 45 minutes, 6-7 hours by speed boat in high-water season (mid of September to December) and 6 hours by overland, it’s where hundreds of impressive ancient Angkor temples were constructed by Khmer Empire, especial the renowned Angkor Wat temple built in 12th century, the largest monument in the world as well as the world’s heritage listed by UNESCO and is the only incredibly unrivaled arc

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Cambodia's Fascinating Best Hits

800px-Cambodia_2638B_-_Angkor_Wat.jpg?profile=RESIZE_710xDennis Jarvis

Majority-Buddhist Cambodia is a small, semi-authoritarian constitutional monarchy between Vietnam and Thailand with a rich history dating back to the founding of the Khmer Empire in 802. It suffered greatly during the Vietnam War era and especially in its aftermath, when the radical Khmer Rouge régime unleashed a genocide between 1975 and 1979 that shocked the world and killed more than two million. But the historical legacy of centuries still lives on to be enjoyed, as well as m

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Explore the magical Temples of Angkor and the ecological wonder of the Tonle Sap Lake along with the frenetic capital of Phnom Penh. Give your family an ultimate Cambodian experience with a relaxing stay at one of the best accommodations. Travel with children is very popular in Cambodia and the country has a reputation of safe and interesting destination for families. The kingdom of Cambodia boasts some of the most spectacular sights on the planet. From massive ancient temples to varied wildlife

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Adventure tours to Cambodia - Options to explore

Enclosed by Thailand, Laos and Vietnam, the city Cambodia is the most enthralling one at the heart of South East Asia.  If you want to see the real beauty, Cambodia is the city which has emerged from the tragic history to the light of splendor, the place which is proud to be the home to the amazing temples of Angkor, Tonle Sap Lake, Mekong Delta and many more. With Cambodia adventure you can have the best of adventure tours that will be engraved forever in your memory.


As an adventure lover, you

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