Lion's gate country

Going on speaking about Africa, I would like to stop in Tansania, one of the most fascinating and magic countries:


  • Mt. Kilimanjaro, which is the tallest African peak, is located in Tanzania.
  • The newly declared capital of Tanzania is Dodoma.
  • Sadly, one out of every ten people in Tanzania is affected with HIV/AIDS.
  • The official language of Tanzania is Swahili. Swahili is a Bantu language that is primarily prevalent in the East African Coastal region.
  • Tanzania is the largest country on the East African Coast.
  • Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in the world.
  • Tanzania is home to exotic wildlife like black rhinos, the Kori bustard, baboons, wart hogs, elephants, zebras and more.
  • About 33% of the Tanzanian population is illiterate.
  • Tanzania is surrounded by three of the world’s most magnificent lakes - Lake Tanganyika, Lake Nyasa and Lake Victoria.
  • April 26 is celebrated as Union Day in Tanzania to commemorate the independence of Tanganyika and Zanzibar.
  • The name Tanzania is a portmanteau of Tanganyika and Zanzibar which were one nation before they separated into Tanzania and the semi-autonomous part of Zanzibar in 1964. Tanganyika means “sail in wilderness” and Zanzibar connotes “fair is this island”.
  • The earliest remains of humans including the legendary 2 million years old Homo habilis was recovered in Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania.
  • The extinct Ngorongoro Crater, in Tanzania, is the largest complete crater in the world.
  • Tanzania has more than a 100 different tribal groups.
  • Lake Manyara National Park, in Tanzania, is home to the world’s only tree-climbing lions.
  • Lake Tanganyika in western Tanzania is the world's second deepest lake.
  • Tanzania is famous for its African blackwood or mbingo carvings.
  • The Amani Nature Reserve in eastern Tanzania is the only place on the entire planet where African Violets really grow in the wild.
  • The Coconut Crab found on Chumbe Island of Zanzibar (the semi-autonomous region of Tanzania) is the largest crab in the world.
  • The short rainy season of Tanzania is called Vuli while the long rainy season is called Masika.
  • Tanzanian economy is largely an agricultural one with its primary cash crops being coffee, cotton, sisal and tea.
  • Dar es Salaam, the current economic and political hub of the country, was also the old capital of Tanzania.
  • Tingatinga and Makonde are two popular forms of African paintings popular in Tanzania.


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